An Alumni of the JLab facility in Houston, TX, Alleviant Medical is a medical device company organized around therapies for congestive heart failure involving a novel, minimally-invasive device. Characteristically, heart faiure patients have a weakened heart muscle not able pump to blood throughout the body. Typically, pressure builds in the left atrium, leading to fluid accumulation in the lungs and severe shortness of breath. In major part, existing medications are ineffective at relieving symptoms and hospital admissions is often necessary: a substantial clinical and economic burden with limited treatment options. With significant economic and clinical postive impact, Alleviant Medical's device - transcatheter technology - is designed to relieve pressure the left atrium using an inter arterial shunt between the left and right atrium. The shunt is intended to allow pressure to offload from the left atrium into the lower pressure right atrium with consequent significant economic and clinical postive impact.