Allen Loeb Associates were involved in the SBIR program in its early years wiith 3 Phase I awards - one each in 1988, 1989 and 1990. Their NIH award made in 2013 is their first to have made it to Phase II. Allen/Loeb Associates was founded in 1984 to provide consultation, evaluation, and funding planning in substance abuse treatment and prevention. Projects include: drafting a proposal for MediCal regulations for substance abuse treatment for the County Alcohol and Drug Program Administrators Association of California; preparing a manual and evaluation plan for San Francisco's programs for homeless, mentally ill drug abusers for the San Francisco Department of Public Health, in cooperation with the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment and Center for Mental Health Treatment; evaluation of a program providing mental health and medical services linked with substance abuse treatment for Center Point, Inc., evaluation of a case management and counseling program for homeless substance abusers for Chemical Awareness and Treatment Services, Inc., San Francisco. The company has also begun to work on HIV prevention programs.