Aliro Technologies Inc - aka Aliro Quantum - has developed a cross-platform quantum computing software portfolio that is described as n effective foundation for organizations moving towards building powerful quantum systems. Initially launched at Harvard's quantum computing lab. in Fall 2019, having begun life as a project at Harvard's quantum computing lab, ALiro's founders built a dedicated software-as-a-service platform designed to enable any developer to get started in quantum computing, regardless of hardware being used. The developed software enables developers to write quantum code capable - without changes necessary - to run on any kind of quantum architecture. Currrently, companies working on quantum computing platforms, have built architectures quite different one from the another. Aliro Q.Compute is hardware-independent - quantum computing development environment for building quantum apps that can run on any of those platforms. The system provides access to an intuitive user interface and a range of quantum computing backends, plus optimization schemes and also comes with a noise-expert compiler making the necessary transformations for each app to quantum circuits - freeing researchers from onstraints of different hardware platforms.