Advanced Thermal Technologies, LLC (Att, LLC) is developing proprietary integrated package-heat sink products for power electronics packaging and thermal management. Development efforts are focused on the technology base required to enable our products. This includes (1) low-cost, high thermal conductivity carbon fiber; (2) novel, low-cost casting process for the manufacture of graphite-metal composites; and (3) low-cost manufacture of highly effective compact heat sink geometries. Our technology will allow power electronic devices to be operated at maximum power while maintaining operating temperature at or below safe operating limits. Further, our technology will minimize the thermal stresses within a power electronic assembly which are the root cause of product failures. Our integrated package-heat sink would reduce power module overall thermal resistance by 60% to 70% compared to conventional power module packaging. Our invention will enable power electronic systems with a smaller footprint and that require fewer semiconductor devices for a given power level, thus enabling a system cost reduction of from 35% to 45%.