In early August 2022 it was announced that Adaptive Energy had been acquired by Edge Autonomy, a leader in aerospace and unmanned systems design. Noting that, at their core Edge Autonomy is an engineering-focused R&D entity committed to creating cutting-edge energy solutions, management of the acquiring firm indicate the key driver on their part for the acquisition was access to more resources for faster development of the Edge Anatomy's proprietary fuel cell technology: a capacity to offer bigger, better, more cost-effective power products to their military and commercial customers. To that point, Adaptive Energy, LLC, - formerly dba as Adaptive Materials, Inc and, in 2018, spun-out of Ultra Electronics - is structured around design and manufacture of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) for back up and portable power applications. Acquired by Sleeping Bear Capital for an undisclosed amount in 2019, the firm continues to operate as a viable small firm. With the firm's commercial and military-focused product lines the culmination of 20 years of R&D and rigorous in-use testing, Adaptive Energy offers 250500-watt fuel cell systems powered by globally available and energy-dense propane, butane, and natural gas, the firm's tubular ceramic cell design can operate in the most austere and remote locations. The firm's propane and natural gas backup and portable power are proven in military, transportation and telecommunications applications, and they are ideal for unmanned aerial or ground vehicles.