As of November 2008, 3DGeo Development, Inc. was acquired by Fusion Geophysical, LLC. 3DGeo Development, Inc. provides seismic imaging software for the oil and gas industry ofering Accelerated Imaging and Modeling, a 2D and 3D velocity model building, velocity analysis, and depth imaging system; AccuVEL for migration velocity analysis; SHOT, a migration algorithm that provides output angle gathers for velocity analysis; Full Azimuth Streamer Technology, a wave equation migration system for multi-streamer wide azimuth and single azimuth marine surveys; and K3D, a system that images 3D prestack data below complex structure. The company also provides AMO, a partial-migration operator to improve the accuracy of 3D prestack imaging; WED3D to continue seismic data between arbitrarily shaped datums; MCTMIG to poststack volumes by 3D downward continuation algorithm; and 3DPSTM to prestack data using 3D time migration. Headquartered in Santa Clara, CA, the firm had offices in Houston, Texas; Brazil; and Argentina and representation in China and Europe.