2B Technologies is dedicated to the development and commercialization of new analytical instruments for atmospheric and environmental measurements of pollutnats. Sspecializing in miniaturized instruments for measurements of ozone (O3), nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and other chemicals in air, the firm produces small, light-weight, low-power instruments, now used for atmospheric measurements using balloons, kites, UAVs, research aircraft, ihe firm's poducts are used at many remote sites, including Antarctica, the Galapagos Islands, the Greenland ice sheet, the summit of Mont Blanc, the Amazon rain forest, on buoys in the Arctic Ocean, on commercial airliners, in many U.S. National Parks and at numerous other locations throughout the world. In July 2005, firm was acquired InDevR (Instrument Development and Research) - itself a small firm co-located with 2B Tech in Boulder, CO. That small firms carrying out R&D for bioanalytical instruments based on new technologies for rapid identification and quantification of biological agents such as nucleic acids, proteins, bacteria and viruses.