With increasing global industrialization, hazardous pollutants such as pesticides, organic chemicals, and heavy metals are being produced in greater quantities by chemical, agricultural, pharmaceutical, textile, and many other industries. Since these pollutants pose serious environmental and health threats, they need to be removed from waste streams such as wastewater before it can be discharged into the environment or reused. Adsorption is the most favorable method used to remove pollutants from wastewater due to its efficiency, high adsorption capacity, and low operational cost. In this proposal, novel adsorbent materials based on biomass and industrial waste materials will be developed for wastewater treatment applications. The proposed novel adsorbent materials will offer unique and versatile high performance adsorbent materials compared with conventional adsorbent materials. The successful development of the novel adsorbent materials using biomass waste materials will increase the utilization of woody resources for value-added products from wood and other agricultural materials, improve water quality and conservation through effective wastewater treatment and reuse, and reduce environmental impacts of biomass wastes.