In the past 15 years, the emphasis on selection for leaner pigs with larger loineye areas and high percent lean cuts has resulted in meat with lower water-holding capacity, lower percent intramuscular fat (% IMF) or marbling, and lower scores for juiciness and flavor. Consumers and an ever growing segment of the pork industry know that more optimal levels of marbling must be put back into the high-value pork cuts. Biotronics, Inc. is developing technology to solve this problem by using real-time ultrasound to measure the % IMF in live pigs and hot carcasses. The premise of the project is that swine breeders can be rewarded financially for production of pigs resulting in higher levels of % IMF if the pork packing plant realizes premiums for their product. The project will refine research models to accurately characterize the % IMF levels in the pork longissimus dorsi muscle in live and hot carcasses, demonstrate an operational system using the technology in the packing plant, and document the anticipated economic impact of the technology for the packer and the swine breeder. Results of the project will allow swine breeders to make genetic selections for optimal levels of % IMF in their seed stock and will give the packing industry an accurate measurement of % IMF to sort and target higher value carcasses to niche markets. All segments of the pork industry will benefit, with the ultimate benefit to be realized by the consumer. OBJECTIVES: In the past 15 years, the emphasis on selection for leaner pigs with larger loineye areas and high percent lean cuts has resulted in meat with lower water-holding capacity, lower percent intramuscular fat (% IMF), and lower scores for juiciness and flavor. Research has confirmed that some minimum level of % IMF, also called marbling, must be maintained for optimal eating quality, and Pacific Rim markets seek pork with even higher levels of % IMF. The premise for the project is that the general consumer and targeted niche markets in the U.S. and internationally will pay a premium for pork cuts that meet specification standards for % IMF. The use of real-time ultrasound and sophisticated image processing algorithms have allowed the beef cattle industry to evaluate livestock animals directly to measure % IMF in the longissimus dorsi (ld) muscle. This live animal evaluation using ultrasound has been widely adopted on an international scale by the beef industry. Although not widely adopted by the swine industry, ultrasound processing methods for % IMF prediction have been successfully demonstrated with live swine. The goal of the project is to develop a system for the accurate measurement of % IMF in swine using real-time ultrasound technology. The technology would allow the seed stock industry to select sires and replacement gilts that are genetically superior for meat quality. The same technology structure would allow the packing industry to noninvasively scan and sort pork loins for quality without breaking the loins. Considering that % IMF is a highly heritable trait, the combination of measurements in all segments of the industry and a pricing schedule for quality in the end product, the new technology will bring about a dramatic change in pork quality. The real-time ultrasound processing system to be developed includes the computer hardware, software, and associated interfaces to enable scanning and prediction of % IMF in either live swine or hot carcasses. The Phase I research proved that current research models can be enhanced for the prediction of % IMF in swine. Objectives of the full R&D program are to make additional refinements to the prediction model for accurately characterizing % IMF levels in the pork ld muscle tissue in live animals and hot carcasses. The project will develop computer processing algorithms required for the system to evaluate hot carcasses. The project will assemble and demonstrate an operational system in the packing plant and will develop documentation to assist in the commercialization of the product to swine breeders and the packing segment of the industry. APPROACH: A major goal in Phase II will be to increase the repeatability of predicting the percent of intramuscular fat (% IMF) and further reduce the root mean square error (RMSE) of prediction in both live animals and carcasses. The live animals and carcasses will be scanned using an Aloka SSD 500V real-time ultrasound scanner with both the 12cm and 18cm linear array transducers. The company will subcontract with Iowa State University to supply a portion of the live animals and will partner with one or more packing plants for the hot carcass segment. Algorithms for calculating variations in ten texture parameters from ultrasound images will include histogram, gradient, Fourier, and co-occurrence techniques. The optimal prediction model will be implemented in the real-time ultrasound processing system to be developed. Increasing the repeatability of the prediction model within animal and within carcass will involve studying the reduction in the standard error of the measurement (% IMF prediction) across images within an animal and within the image. General linear model analyses will be conducted to develop alternative regression models for predicting % IMF in live swine and carcasses using texture parameters identified. The images from the live animals and carcasses will be randomly sampled to develop the alternative models using actual % lipid as determined through chemical extraction as the independent variable. The images not chosen for model development will be used for model validation. The statistical tools for analysis will include linear, nonlinear, and transformation procedures to determine the best fit of the data. Distribution of residuals will be studied to determine if transformations are appropriate. The primary statistic for determining the best model will be the RMSE. Other statistics that will be used will be R-Square, Mallows Cp statistic, and Pearson product-moment correlation. The processing algorithms will be driven by the need to be near real-time to keep up with chain speeds in the packing plant. A pilot study will be conducted to test the % IMF prediction accuracy on hot carcasses. On each of two separate scanning dates, a large sample of carcasses will be manually scanned with the technology. Results from the pilot study will be used to develop in-plant training and system maintenance and servicing procedures. Procedures to test individual scanning technician aptitude and dexterity for this type of work will be developed. Quality control procedures will be developed that will provide the needed feedback on individual scanning technician performance. The project will develop the first functional prototype system will include an Aloka SSD 500V ultrasound scanner, either a 12cm or 17cm linear array transducer, software, interfaces, and image processing computer. Plant personnel will undergo an intensive training program in the system operations and scanning protocol. Operational tests in the plant will be conducted. An economic impact study will be undertaken to define issues associated with commercialization of the system.