Milk income has fluctuated erratically in recent years, and the effect is felt by farmers and by agriculturally reliant communities. To combat price uncertainty, we propose the creation of a conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) enhanced dairy product. Lab animal tests reveal that CLA is a potent anti-carcinogen. Dairy products are the major CLA source for humans, but a typical diet does not supply sufficient CLA to produce substantial health benefits. Small scale bovine studies reveal CLA levels in milk fat can be increased five-fold. This enhanced milk could be used to manufacture dairy products that meet hypothesized CLA effectiveness levels. Heightened consumer interest in nutrraceuticals makes this an ideal time to produce a naturally enhanced version of "natures most perfect food", and thereby bolster faltering rural economies through stabilized farmer income, new industry, tax revenue and job creation. In this study, lactating, silage-fed Holstein cows in a commercial, confinement-housed herd will be fed an unsaturated fat supplement of plant oil, fish oil and Vitamin E to increase CLA production while maintaining milk fat yield. Milk will be tested weekly for CLA content and component production. Concurrently, a feasibility study will investigate risks and rewards associated with producing a CLA-enhanced product.
Anticipated Results/Potential Commercial Applications of Research: Data on supplementation rates and costs, changes in milk components, and CLA yield will combine to render a reproducible CLA enhancement formula. This information, matched with feasibility study results, will encourage farmer participation in a Phase Two prototype where multiple dairy producers in an economically depressed rural area implement study findings and produce enough CLA enhanced milk to attract a niche processing plant. The result? Improved income for self-sustaining farms, increased tax revenue and jobs for surrounding communities, better consumer health and an enhanced regional economic situation.