The issue of organic and inorganic wastes from aquaculture production have received considerable attention in recent years due to the negative effects these wastes may have on the culture systems and on receiving waters. The primary origin of these waste comes from the feed. Wastes from unassimilated feed and the fish's metabolic process negatively affect water quality and fish growth. One way to reduce waste production and to improve water quality without affecting fish growth is to feed catfish high protein feeds at a rate that is less than satiation but still meets daily protein and energy requirements. Such feeding strategy may minimize nutrient input, improve feed utilization, reduce waste, and thus improve water quality. Also using high protein diets and feeding less than satiation may improve processing yield and reduce body fattiness of catfish products. Four experimental feeds will be formulated to contain 28, 32, 36, and 40% protein. Each feed will be fed to catfish once daily to satiation or no more than 90-112 kg/ha (80-100 lb/ac) in 0.04-ha (0.1-ac) earthen ponds from May to October, 2002. Five ponds will be used in each diet x feeding rate combination (a total of 40 ponds). Production and processing characteristics, body composition, and water quality parameters will be determined. Economic evaluation of different treatments will be also conducted.
Anticipated Results/Potential Commercial Applications of Research: If high protein feeds can be fed to catfish at a rate that is less than satiation but still meets daily protein and energy requirements of catfish without adverse effects on fish production, feeds may be utilized more efficiently and less solid waste may be generated. This should result in better water quality in terms of improved dissolved oxygen levels and less sediment accumulation in catfish ponds. The current low feed cost may make such feeding strategies economically possible. In addition, processing yield may be increased and body fattiness reduced using high protein feeds, which will benefit the catfish processing industry and consumers of catfish products.