The objectives of this project are to: 1. Establish one, standardized research database for long-term records from field studies of all existing growth and yield studies in the Northwestern States currently accumulated and maintained by Dr. James D. Arney. These databases contain 2,846,000 tree records in 20,440 plots representing hundreds of site preparation, planting, brush control, thinning, pruning and fertilization conditions and interactions. They span over fifty years of observation in five western States. 2. Make this research plot database available to other researchers and graduate students wishing to investigate stand dynamics, inter-species competition, growth-mortality relationships and refinements to long-term growth models. 3. Provide the incentive to return copies of all analyses back to this library so that each user generates a net gain to documented knowledge about growth & yield in the Northwest for the benefit of all. In this way even small, short-term analyses may contribute to the overall knowledge in forest silviculture and forest modeling.
Anticipated Results/Potential Commercial Applications of Research: A common, standardized research database will stimulate new research investigation and testing of alternative growth models by graduate students, faculty and other forest researchers. These new studies will contribute to the Library and to publish knowledge about forest dynamics and growth model architecture. It will provide analytical field data to investigate alternative silvicultural regimes being suggested by current State watershed and wildlife regulations.