Development of Safer, Effective, Fungicide Formulations
Award last edited on: 10/27/2016

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Award Phase
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Principal Investigator
Robert D Coleman

Company Information

Summerdale Inc (AKA: Coleman & Associates)

7723 Kempfer Lane
Verona, WI 53593
   (608) 826-6667
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Dane

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Fungicides are used on millions of acres of agricultural crops, to control disease and increase yield harvest. However, current products have high chronic toxicity and many are suspected human carcinogens and/or teratogens and may not be re-registered under the Food Quality Protection Act. Summerdale, Inc. has showed that selected fatty acids and other compounds have efficacy as fungicidal active ingredients (Als), against a wide range of pathogens. Earlier work on herbicidal formulations has also shown synergistic combinations between certain fatty acids and an amendment. The economics for effective application rates of Als at this stage of development appears attractive. If Phase I efficacy is demonstrated, a strategic partner may wish to participate. This proposed work would develop predominantly natural compounds and will meet grower criteria for shifting to a new product. A range of fatty acid species and other compounds will be tested individually and with other compounds, to examine possible synergistic relationships. Extensive laboratory and greenhouse trials on potatoes, soybeans and peanuts will be conducted prior to extensive field trials (Phase II), to determine effective application rates, emulsification systems and adjuvants.

Anticipated Results/Potential Commercial Applications of Research:
Summerdale, Inc. has signed a licensing agreement with a strategic partner to manufacture key components for natural agricultural products. Fatty acid-based fungicide formulations would represent another important product line for the partner and/or itÂ’s sub-licensee(s). The worldwide fungicide market is about $5.5 billion (approximately 20% of the world pesticide market). Synthetic chemicals, many derived from petrochemicals, are used in about 99% of all fungicides. Hence, very few natural chemicals are currently in use. Fungicide usage (U.S.) is growing at a faster rate than any other pesticide and is projected to increase by 24.5% from 2000 to 2005.

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Currently growers are using toxic and at times injurious chemicals on millions of acres of agricultural crop that require multiple fungicide treatments to control disease. Many if not most of the existing products have high chronic toxicity, are suspected human carcinogens and/or teratogens and often times are toxic to birds, fish and beneficial insects. It is likely that some of the products will not be re-registered under the Food Quality Protection Act, thereby creating a demand for safer products to meet grower needs. Use of more environmentally friendly products by the growers would also lower consumer risk. The discovery of alternative chemicals that protect food safety would agree with some of the goals for sustainable agriculture and protect quality of life. This SBIR Phase II project will accelerate the development of novel, safe fungicides as treatments for disease control in potato and peanut. Summerdale, Inc. has shown that specific, synergistic combinations of organic acids have fungicidal properties against a wide range of pathogens. Phase I demonstrated that rates for effective use of the food-grade components as fungicides appear economically attractive and competitive with existing fungicides. OBJECTIVES: Specific Phase II technical objectives are: 1. Formulate best combinations of organic acid, emulsifier, adjuvant and second organic acid to achieve formulation stability and superior performance over Phase I formulations (laboratory, greenhouse and field-testing). 2. Determine lowest, feasible application rates for control of peanut and potato pathogens and compare performance and cost to commercial products (greenhouse and field-testing). 3. Evaluate fungicide performance for different plant varieties of peanuts and potatoes (greenhouse and field-testing) 4. Evaluate fungicide performance under climatic variations (field-testing) 5. Evaluate fungicides as potential stand-alone products and as enhancers of selected, commercial products; i.e., as tank mixes (greenhouse and field-testing) 6. Seek and obtain a commercial licensee and partner for intellectual property additions, further field-testing, and for registration, marketing, distribution and sale of product APPROACH: Phase II testing will include extensive laboratory, greenhouse and field-testing of promising fungicide formulations. The primary focus for field-testing will be examining control of potato and peanut pathogens by organic acid-based fungicides. Soy and dry bean varieties will be used as well for certain greenhouse testing (detached leaf assays). Phase II work will be performed by the Company, university subcontracts and eventually, with participation from potential licensees