Continuous linear move irrigators are the superior means of overhead irrigation and have the capacity to irrigate rectangles and irregular shapes. Presently, no affordable and hassle-free automated apparatus exists to connect the linear traveling irrigator to the stationary mainline and existing guidance methods add significantly to cost and complexity. Consequently, few linears are sold. Most irrigation today is with less efficient methods. Water, electricity and chemicals are wasted, resulting in reduced yields and pollution. The objective is to prove operational under full length irrigator conditions, a cost-free guidance system inherent to an already operational prototype automated connector. Three 179' irrigator spans are added to the two-span prototype, one at a time. Data is collected on guidance accuracy with each span added. Upon proving the inherent guidance functional for a full length system, the data then provides a basis for future guidance testing on hilly terrain and a basis for design proportionalities of a next generation connector.
Anticipated Results/Potential Commercial Applications of Research: It is anticipated that the cost-free guidance inherent to our prototype automated connector will be proven operational on a full length linear irrigator. Providing a cost-free guidance for linear irrigators, along with the low cost and hassle-free nature of our automated connector, will greatly advance linear irrigation as a preferred method by farmers. The subsequent acceleration in conversion to linear irrigation will provide substantial positive economic and environmental impacts.