The proposed project seeks to develop superior striped bass broodstock by comparing the performance of different crossbred striped bass (Canada x Maryland, and Florida x Maryland) versus a pure strain (Maryland). This will be accomplished by combining the proven performance of the 1995, 1996 and 1997 yearclass fish (males from Canada, Florida and Maryland strains) with the more domesticated qualities of the CAF Maryland strain to produce at least 24 families of crossbred and purebred striped bass. The effects of domestication will also be examined, in a preliminary way, by executing an equal number of matings with F1 and F2 females. Each breed and family will be reared in triplicate tanks in a recirculating aquaculture facility under the same environmentally controlled conditions for one year. Comparisons will be made between strains and families for the following performance characteristics; growth rate, feed conversion efficiency, survival, and dress-out percentage.
Anticipated Results/Potential Commercial Applications of Research::The identification of superior genetic strains and families of striped bass offers one of the most rapid and cost effective means of improving performance of production stocks of striped bass and hybrid striped bass. Identified superior broodstocks are expected to be immediately useful to the striped bass and hybrid striped bass industry. In Phase II we plan to breed unrelated, selected individuals to produce a founding stock of superior performing F3 striped bass while maintaining a randomly selected population as a control. Another of Phase II's objective is to hybridize F1 selected white bass and striped bass individuals for commercial grow-out, and to demonstrate gains made by this genetic selection and hybridization program.