This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project proposes to develop a feeding system for Southern Pine Beetle (SPB) hymenopterous parasites. This food, formulated to be applied in SPB infested southern pine forests, should increase the fecundity of adult SPB parasites thereby enhancing their ameliorating effects on the SPB population outbreaks. Natural enemies, including hymenopterous parasites, have traditionally kept SPB populations below present levels. Modern methods of intensive forest management in southern pine stands (pure. evenaged, dense stands) have created maturing stands where SPB populations are, with increasing frequency. escaping the moderating forces of their natural enemies. An efficacious parasite food will provide a direct control measure for SPB. This technique can be used to reduce tree mortality until we learn more about managing dense stands to reduce risk of SPB losses.Applications:Phases I and II will result in an efficacious. environmentally benign pest control product for the most serious insect pest of the largest single crop (both in acres and dollars) grown in the southern United States. The product will be non-insecticidal and will be based on natural products and food stuffs. Such a product does not require EPA labeling, therefore the cost of development will be very small as compared to the costs of developing an insecticide.