A 1993 Phase I project demonstrated the feasibility of mapping wild oat (Avena fatua) infestations in Red River Valley, ND wheat fields with an accuracy of 80% to 94%. Color film and digital imagery was acquired and converted to digital files used for site-specific application of Tiller herbicide. May/June operations in time for same season control resulted in savings of $1,080/80 acres. The Phase II project will build on feasibility study results to determine the best cost/performance aerial imaging methods, range of weed species, crop conditions and application controller for commercial site-specific weed management. Research will focus on weed problems associated with small grain and sugarbeet crops in the Red River Valley of ND and MN, and corn/soybean crop sequence in southwest MN and northwest IA. GPS, radar sensor and tram lines will be used for field position information. Midwest Technologies, Springfield, IL, an agricultural electronic controller manufacturer, and CENTROL Crop Consultants will participate in the project and commercialization of developed products and services. Midwest Technologies, has national and international distribution. CENTROL, Twin Valley, MN, with 17 crop consultants, anticipates 4,500 contracted acres in 1994. CENTROL, Cottonwood, MN. with 13 consultants anticipates 2,500 acres.
Anticipated Results:An integrated system providing a 3 day delivery of accurate field map data for direct control of site-specific herbicide or cultural weed control. Reports can also be used for subsequent analysis of crop conditions. The system will include acquisitions of aerial imagery, interpretation/conversion of data files, and crop management support software. Procedures will be automated with computer tools to the extent feasible.