This Phase II proposal describes the effort required to take the Phase I Real Time Spray Drift detector work through research and development. This includes development of product requirements based on user needs; generation of preliminary specificati Ins; design, fabrication, test, and analysis of prototype hardware; and estimation of cost for production hardware. This information provides the data necessary to begin the Phase III commercialization. Based on Phase I findings, this work will complete the R&D for the basic unit which can accept either of two interchangeable sensors. These are (1) a low cost, highly sensitive, conductivity based sensor and (2) a light absorbing sensor which provides quantitative data. When combined with data storage, these two alternatives provide a broad based means for monitoring agricultural spray drift. A critical part of the effort, will be the completion of research studies to determine basic accuracy requirements, and to determine alternative methods for deployment and operation of each instrument type depending on the unique needs of the various users. These studies will be reflected in product specifications and evaluation tests to assure that the instruments have the basic capability to provide the capabilities required by users.
Anticipated Results:Development of product requirements, and a comprehensive test and evaluation in the lab and field are expected to produce a product which will provide benefits to spray applicators, farmers, environmental regulators, and researchers. These devices will add real time dimensions to the monitoring and control of spray drift losses. The applicator will have the ability to know, rather than hope, that he is in control of dispensing potentially hazardous materials. In addition the regulatory agencies will have better data to assess the true environmental impact of drift losses. Finally, through knowledge, all parties will gradually improve their skills and capabilities.