Phase II Amount
VAWD Applied Science and Technology is pleased to offer the following proposal in response to Phase II - SOCOM173-004 - "Handheld or Body-worn Hidden Chamber Detection". The Handheld Hidden Chamber Detection Radar will operate like a flash light and automatically detect, locate, and classify hidden compartments. The Radar will operate from inside a building for room to room operations discriminating normal space versus hidden chambers within an average-sized room (68 square feet) at a standoff range at least 2 meters away from the wall. The operator will be able to quickly detect, locate, and discriminate hidden chambers and people. A user interface will display the hidden chamber along with its approximate depth and if humans are inside. The Radar will be easy to operate and automatically adjust to work on various building materials including brick, cinder block, solid concrete, wood and sheet rock. Based on our findings in Phase 1, we believe that a dual band RF spectrum is a natural fit to create this technology.