To support Navys need for improved detection, tracking, and classification within the Continuous Active Sonar (CAS) functional segment (CASFS) of the AN/SQQ-89A(V)15, ARiA will develop and demonstrate signal- and information-processing algorithms that reduce range uncertainty, recover signal mismatch loss, and improve tracking performance. The Phase I effort will (1) develop algorithms for estimating and compensating for time-varying platform motion within a coherent processing interval, (2) develop features for classification and tracking derived from sparse model-based estimation, and (3) demonstrate that PICASSO algorithms can meet Navys need for improved tracking and classification performance on archived and simulated data representative of the AN/SQQ-89A(V)15 operating at full duty cycle with sub-CPI platform and target motion.
Benefit: The PICASSO signal and information processing algorithms and software developed in this work will advance the state-of-the-art in tracking and classification for CAS. Phase I efforts will specifically contribute validated new concepts and algorithms for estimating and compensating for sub-CPI motion-induced uncertainty and signal-mismatch loss and physics-based tracking and classification clues that improve track localization and target classification. Results of the Phase I effort will provide a basis for Phase II development of the most promising algorithms into a software library and transition into the tactical system. Signal-processing algorithms in particular may be applied to commercial midfrequency sonar systems used for subbottom profiling, single-beam and multi-beam (swath) bathymetry, and acoustic seafloor characterization.
Keywords: tracking, tracking, waveforms, Active sonar, Continuous Active Sonar, detection, Doppler, antisubmarine warfare, Clutter Reduction