This proposal will develop an empirically-based neuropsychological screening tool to be used by first responders. This tool will quickly and accurately identify service members who show probable impairments from combat-related experiences. The product will investigate de-identified patient data to assist in R&D. A thorough analysis of psychological assessments and their predictive power influencing functional status will be conducted. Plans and protocols will be prepared for Phase II. A prototype screening tool will be provided. Through their work in commercializing the neuropsychological assessment batteries in ANAM4TM, Vista LifeSciences brings a deep understanding of TBI in service-related exposures, the requirements of military neuropsychological testing, statistical analysis, human factors engineering, and the integration of sensitive health records into military systems. This experience will be broadened by a scientific team with a broad spectrum of independent research expertise across research and clinical neuropsychology, experienced in all relevant measures and tools, thus guaranteeing an objective evaluation of existing/emerging research and selection of the target tool set in this project. The result will be a tool with assessments most appropriate for the needs of emergency situations, appropriate for use by emergency responders, and technology platform(s) that can operate in emergency environments.
Keywords: Neuropsychological Assessment, Emergency Responder, Tbi, Traumatic Brain Injury, Ptsd, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder