Alpha Informatics, Limited proposes to define a set of simulation and analysis process which will allow Theater Warfare personnel to visualize analyze and manage information flow necessary to support operations foreseen in Joint Vision 2010 and JCS concepts for Network Centric Warfare. In conjunction with the Government, we will define, develop and document a set of processes which will allow Theater Warfighters to: 1) describe their operational environment (including information processing nodes and information transmission pathways), 2) Define the information requirements necessary to support their assigned missions, particulary Extended Littoral Battlespace operations, 3) Visualize the flow of required information, and 4) Manage this flow under varying operational conditions. These processes will then be used to define the structure and functions required for an HLA compliant theater information flow simulation. We will use the structure and functions to develop and demonstrate the feasibility of a prototype theater information flow simulation tool to support visualization and analysis of theater information requirements. Such a prototype could be used as a basis for further development including the use of this simulation in conjunction with already developed theater deployment, force on force, and sustainment models.
Keywords: Information Operations Joint Vision 2010 Network Centric Warfare Joint Operations Extended Littoral