Dental Conduction Hearing for Divers
Award last edited on: 2/24/07

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Barry L Mersky

Company Information

Audiodontics Inc (AKA: Electro-Stoma Communications Inc~Audio·Dontics Corporation)

10401 Old Georgetown Road Suite 310
Bethesda, MD 20814
   (301) 530-0700
Location: Single
Congr. District: 08
County: Montgomery

Phase I

Contract Number: N66604-95-C-H412
Start Date: 8/1/95    Completed: 2/1/96
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Audiodontics, Inc., under the support and cooperation of the University of Maryland, has recently developed a hearing aid called the Intraoral Audio Transducer System (IATS). The IATS uses a miniature actuator of Terfenol-D coupled to a tooth to provide bone conduction sound. Terfenol-D permits high power transduction with very low voltage and thus a safe system for installation inside the mouth. In response to the Navy's requirement for improved underwater diver communication. a new application for Audiodontic's developed technology is proposed. Specific aims of the proposed program include: (1) Fabrication of a miniature Terfenol-D actuator which shall be embedded into a diver mouthpiece; (2) Standardization of the bone conduction hearing levels of prototype mouthpiece by sophisticated audiometric tests; (3) Testing the mouthpiece in divers underwater to demonstrate audible sound over a range of frequencies important for speech perception. Audiodontics intends to partner with Benthos, Inc., an underwater equipment specialist, to develop and commercialize the proposed technology. While Benthos provides the experience and resources for commercialization, Audiodontics supplies the necessary commitment.

Mouthpiece Terfenol-D Audiology Bone Conduction Underwater Communication Miniature Actuators

Phase II

Contract Number: N66604-96-C-J446
Start Date: 9/27/96    Completed: 9/1/98
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Audiodontics, Inc. has demonstrated Phase I feasibility when nine divers using the prototype mouthpiece underwater scored better than 90% correct on CID W-22 word list. Terfenol-D transducers appear to be appropriate technology for human interface and sound transmission in high noise environments. Specific objectives of the Phase II proposal include: Designing and using a test apparatus to evaluate changes to the Terfenol-D transducer: Improving the efficiency and output of the transducer demonstrated in Phase I; Designing different means and methods of coupling the transducer to the teeth and qualifying the output with audiometric data; Designing drive and signal electronics for the transducer to improve its speech output; Investigating the feasibility of Terfenol-D as a microphone wen coupled to teeth; Delivering a system of "plug compatibility" with a variety of audio input sources such as diver communication units and Bendix/King VHF radios.

Mouthpiece Terfenol-D Audiology Bone Conduction Underwater Communication Miniature Actuators