The broader impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (Phase I) project is to reduce human and environmental health risks posed by Harmful Algae Bloom (HABs) impacts to water resources. Communities across the nation allocate substantial financial resources to address HABs in their water bodies as HABs can be extremely toxic. However, this ecological problem can be treated as an eco-mining opportunity because HABs are tiny eco-miners that scour, collect, and concentrate excess nutrients in water bodies. The proposed technology is an eco-sensitive mining technology designed to harvest, trap, and permanently remove these HABs, their toxins, and the often ore-grade concentration of nutrients they contain. This project will advance a technology to permanently and sustainably removing the HABs, their toxins and the excess nutrients they contain. As a fully scalable and rapidly deployable, cost-effective technology, it will rapidly resolve HAB impairments and related health risks.The intellectual merit of the proposed project is to target HABs, trap them through mechanical filtration, separate them through flotation, and monitor and test the effluent water for toxins. The proposed research is focused on development of remote and automatic operation capabilities to further minimize potential contact with HABs. The process can be deployed in less than one day to surround and control small or very large areas of HABs, does not require a land-based treatment area, and does not need electricity or high capacity pumping systems to work. It can trap and remove HABs actively or passively.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.