The broader impact of this SBIR Phase II project is to allow Americas grape industry to reduce crop losses due to spring frost, estimated at over $1 billion per year, as well as related job losses more than 11,000 individuals in the State of Washington alone. The encapsulating bud break delay technology and predictive analytics support farmers with decision making tools ahead of impending frost events during bud break season. Such tools may enable rural communities to achieve economic stability by decreasing yield losses and lowering production costs. The technology fills gaps in knowledge needed to make informed decisions on individual farms, resulting in better management decisions in the face of increasing complexities of spring freeze threats. Additionally, use of the encapsulation technology may reduce carbon emissions and water usage from current fossil fuel-intensive conventional frost mitigation measures such as burners, wind machines and sprinklers.The proposed encapsulating bud break delay technology involves two main advances. First, a gel encapsulation spray biologically delays the process of bud break consistently up to 14 days and increases cold resistance up to 6 degrees Celsius. Second, to guide growers in delivering this product, a Decision Support System (DSS) aids grape growers in deciding when it is necessary to mitigate pending frost conditions. The Phase II project focuses on increasing the predictive accuracy of the DSS and scaling the system. Specifically, the team will focus on: a) optimizing the formulation and testing in the lab, b) field-testing and data collection at five sites, c) enhancing DSS capabilities with additional data and analysis, d) scaling up for large-scale manufacture and application, and e) gathering data for regulatory approvals. This gel encapsulation solution for frost protection of vineyards may find future applications in other fruits crops such as apples and stones fruits that are even more susceptible to spring frost damage than grapes.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.