Thermal Runaway Protection and Suppression for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Award last edited on: 2/8/2023

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Kevin Marr

Company Information

Altect Inc

1509 Princeton Avenue
Austin, TX 78757
   (512) 569-9289

Research Institution

University of Texas - Austin

Phase I

Contract Number: 1913998
Start Date: 8/15/2019    Completed: 7/31/2020
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or STTR Phase I project is to develop and commercialize a technology to mitigate safety concerns associated with lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery technologies in electric vehicle, transportation, and energy storage applications. Li-ion battery technology is one of the most transformative innovations in the past decade and continues to provide a platform for future technology development. The potential market size for Li-ion battery technology is substantial. Fueled by growth in energy storage and electric vehicle industries the Li-ion battery market is expected to grow to over US$100 billion by 2025. Adoption of Li-ion battery technology in the energy storage market being impeding by safety concerns, namely fire and explosion hazards. The technology to be developed in this Phase I project has the potential to be a low-cost, passive solution to mitigate these hazards, and alleviate these concerns. The technology has potential to have high market penetration in energy storage and transportation industries, and will enable adoption of transformative technologies that pushes us toward a greener and more sustainable energy future. This Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project will explore and develop technology for passive mitigation of Li-ion battery fire and explosion hazards. For large multi-cell battery systems in energy storage, vehicle applications and among others, these hazards can damage nearby infrastructure and cause injury or death. Li-ion batteries can undergo a self-heating failure called thermal runaway that releases flammable gases. Thermal runaway poses significant challenges for available fire and explosion suppression systems because the gas release can continue unabated despite suppression of the incipient fire. Current mitigation approaches treat the consequences of the fire and do not address the root cause of the hazard, namely the production of flammable gases. The approach here is to develop technology to mitigate the root cause of the hazard and reduce the flammability of the battery gases. There is a clear need to increase the scientific understanding of passive mitigation mechanisms of hazardous and flammable gases in the thermal runaway environment. The overall objective of this project is to further the scientific understanding of these passive mitigation techniques and demonstrating proof-of-concept performance for Li-ion battery applications. This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

Phase II

Contract Number: 2126940
Start Date: 5/1/2022    Completed: 4/30/2024
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is to address fire and explosion safety hazards associated with lithium ion (Li-ion) battery energy storage technologies. Fueled by growth in the energy storage and electric vehicle industries, the Li-ion battery market is expected to grow to a size of several hundred billion dollars by 2025. Future viability of these clean energy technologies are dependent on Li-ion battery technology. However, Li-ion batteries occasionally catastrophically fail, posing thermal hazards as serious as fires and explosions. The proposed technology has the potential to be an effective, low cost solution and accelerating adoption of transformative clean energy technologies.This SBIR Phase I project proposes to improve the safety of Li-ion bateries. Under certain scenarios, Li-ion batteries can fail, resulting in an exothermic release of flammable and toxic gases. For applications including large multi-cell battery systems in energy storage and vehicle use, the risk of thermal runaway can result in catastrophic fires, explosions and toxic gas release that can damage nearby infrastructure and cause injury or death. Thermal runaway poses significant challenges for available suppression and mitigation systems because the hazardous gas release can continue despite suppression of the incipient fire. The proposed thermal runaway protection and suppression technology addresses the source of the hazards by exploiting a series of novel physio-chemical processes to reduce flammable and toxic gas species concentrations released during a thermal runaway event.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.