The broader impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project involves the evolution of wireless technologies for sensing, communication and control in modern laboratory and manufacturing processes. pH is a fundamental measurement in numerous processes and this project will bring the technology involved in creating a wireless pH sensing stir bar to the prototype stage, ready to be transitioned to manufacturing. It will also provide the technological foundation to develop wireless sensing capabilities that will fundamentally change the measurement paradigm in the wet laboratory. Wireless sensing and communication will allow for in situ measurements that have not been previously convenient or even possible as well as remote monitoring and control. This will increase quality, safety, productivity, and convenience in both laboratory and manufacturing environments. Scientists and technicians will benefit from easier processes and data acquisition. Companies will benefit from increased quality assurance and yield cost savings. Consumers will benefit from better quality control of staples such as food, water, pharmaceuticals and medical devices. The proposed project will develop a wireless pH and temperature sensing magnetic stir bar that will communicate wirelessly with a base chemical workstation. The goal of the project is to produce a prototype pH sensing stir bar that is ready to be transitioned to manufacturing. A completely submersible pH sensor is not available on the market and will provide unparalleled convenience. The technical hurdles involve developing and incorporating the sensor and reference electrode portions of the stir bar, designing an electronic circuit that can sense in a high rf field used for communication and power, and sealing all components in a completely submersible form factor. Custom sensing and reference electrodes will be evaluated and tested independently. Circuits will be designed and shielding options will be investigated. Sealing methods will be evaluated to protect the system from harsh environments. This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.