The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is to enable the efficient use of wirelessspectrum. Over the last decade, the world has seen a sharp increase in the number and diversityof mobile devices. With this surge in mobile devices, access to spectrum has become anoverarching issue impacting the everyday life of citizens. The demand is expected to growexponentially in the coming years, with the rapid adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) linkingeverything we interact with in daily life. The technology developed under this project will allowcommunication devices to listen and broadcast simultaneously, on the same frequency, thuseffectively doubling spectrum utilization by operating in Full Duplex (FD) mode. By improvingspectral efficiency and simplifying frequency planning, the results from this project will enablenewer paradigms for the rapid design, development and deployment of mobile devices. Societyas a whole will benefit from the increased array of applications enabled by robust, spectrallyefficient communication devices. Furthermore, valuable spectrum assets will be released and canbe redirected to create new opportunities for growth.This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will demonstrate a practical Full-duplexcommunication system prototype. The goal of the project is to develop a functional prototypeshowing the ability of fast cancellation that enables reliable full duplex operation at transmitpowers suitable for outdoor deployment. While Full Duplex has been shown to be achievableunder static channel conditions, maintaining the desired isolation between transmit and receivepath in a dynamic channel is difficult, mainly due to the high level of reflected power into theradio system that can limit its performance. By deploying novel and efficient cancellationmethodologies the prototype will be able to track and compensate for moving targets as theyappear in the radiation space of the FD system. Innovative co-designed spatial, analog and digitalapproaches will be used to converge on the optimal parameters for cancellation, while ensuringa rapid response time. All proposed algorithms under this project will be tested on a real-time FDprototype system, under realistic wireless channel condition, to ensure that practical issues areaccounted for.