Modular Tensioning Cartridge
Award last edited on: 9/21/2018

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Chris Osgood

Company Information

The Montalvo Corporation

50 Hutcherson Drive
Gorham, ME 04038
   (207) 856-2501
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 01
County: Cumberland

Phase I

Contract Number: 1647835
Start Date: 12/15/2016    Completed: 5/31/2017
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will develop a disruptive tow tension control technology specifically designed for the unique processing variables of composite material manufacturing to solve the limiting factor of tension control the industry currently faces. In composites manufacturing multiple materials with different tensile strengths and elasticity are combined to make a stronger product, and the lack of affordable tension control has up to this point limited the speed and quality of finished products within the industry. By controlling tension there are fewer gaps, uneven tows, and breaks, resulting in higher quality end product and reduced scrap rates. The composites industry is forecasted to grow at a 7% compound annual growth rate to $10.9 billion in 2018 despite these manufacturing limitations. By removing the limiting factor of tension control it is estimated that production could expand 15%-25%, increasing the growth of this industry even further. With composites? primary and growing role in renewable energy, aerospace, construction, automobiles, pipe and tank, and consumer goods, a manufacturer?s ability to remove limitations to effectively meet demand without sacrificing quality will be critical. Expanded productivity will allow for greater innovation with composites within existing industries and promote their use in new industries.The intellectual merit of this project centers on determining the feasibility of a Modular Tensioning Cartridge for composites manufacturing. The objectives of this project are 1) to determine if tension can be controlled near or at zero, 2) to achieve miniaturization of the unit for multiple use applications, and 3) to determine cost targets and economic feasibility. Research will be conducted to develop a load cell (sensing unit) capable of detecting minor (gram) changes in output in relation to key considerations of beam loading and sensing capability, through testing of multiple design, shape, and material combinations. Further research and testing will be conducted to discover heat dissipation requirements, fuzzing risks and solutions, and determine design and material requirements in order to achieve proper miniaturization of the full unit. Final research will be conducted to validate the economic value proposition of the unit to customers based on unit quality, size, performance, and service life in relation to cost and additional output/productivity generated. The team will determine the viability of load cell technology as a sensing device, and the combination of materials and design that will meet sizing, performance, and cost requirements.

Phase II

Contract Number: 1758668
Start Date: 3/1/2018    Completed: 2/29/2020
Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2020)
Phase II Amount

This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will address the design, prototype and testing of a modular tension control device for individual tension regulation in the composite manufacturing sector. Composites are increasingly used in mission critical applications where the material and the product must perform reliably, while at the same time improving productivity, increasing product quality and lowering cost. By precisely and consistently controlling tension, there are fewer voids, skips or uneven tows, resulting in a higher quality product. This is particularly important when safety is dependent on the structural integrity of the materials. Overall, composite applications are greener and have a positive environmental impact. Comparably priced but safer automobiles from composites will be lighter and consume less fuel. Composites further reduce reliance on fossil fuels, as they are the building blocks to harness renewable energy. Wind blades, solar panels and underwater turbines are all made from composites. This is a rapidly growing multi-billion-dollar market, and the projected share of the targeted tension control market is in the range of $200 million, growing equally fast, if not faster. This project will solve a problem that has plagued the composites industry since its inception. Tension control is especially difficult (and yet very important in the composites industry), as multiple materials with different tear strengths and varying elasticity are combined to make stronger products. Lack of cost effective tension control has, up to this point, limited the speed and quality of finished products. Phase II objectives are to prototype and develop the manufacturing process for the Modular Tensioning Cartridge. The Phase II Objectives are: 1) Control package design - the goal is to create a central base station to provide power, communications and a central interface for the use of multiple Modular Tensioning Cartridge units; 2) Finalization - all successfully tested components must be assembled into a singular industrial grade prototype unit and then tested; 3) Product release - upon final prototype testing, field trials will be conducted to validate and finalize technology leading to full production. In phase I, feasibility of the individual components to meet performance requirements was successfully demonstrated. In Phase II, prototype units will be developed and tested refining the design to meet the performance expectations of the customers. This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.