Using Data Mining to Optimally Customize Therapy for Individuals with Autism
Award last edited on: 7/7/2017

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Total Award Amount
Award Phase
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Principal Investigator
John Nosek

Company Information

Guiding Technologies Corporation (AKA: GTC)

2 Penn Center 1500 JFK Boulevard Suite 1825
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Philadelphia

Phase I

Contract Number: 1448289
Start Date: 1/1/2015    Completed: 12/31/2015
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project includes innovations in data mining and the treatment of autism. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is the gold standard in treating autism. Applying data analytics to data from ABA therapy sessions will contribute in several important ways: a) patterns may be discerned across individuals with autism to better understand variations in autism and create therapies to target these differences; b) patterns may be matched with other data, such as genomic data, to identify cross-patterns that may be useful in better understanding autism and ways to improve therapy; and c) the frontiers of data mining will be expanded to provide guidance in real time. This project will have the following societal impacts: 1) many more individuals with autism across the globe will receive early, quality, cost-effective treatment regimens that will enable them to live more fulfilled lives and reach their full potential; 2) families whose children are good candidates for treatment and receive it will experience reduced stress and better family life; and 3) the additional lifetime cost of not effectively treating children with autism, which is approximately ten-fold the cost of treatment, will be reduced.

The proposed project is to extract informative sequential patterns from trial sequences of an individual student, use them to accurately predict trial outcomes, and utilize the predictive model to provide individualized recommendations about how to modify trials and steps of student training. To achieve this goal, predictive data mining will be used. To develop accurate predictive models, the project will build on a large body of recent work in machine learning on temporal predictive modeling and sequential pattern mining, including some of the previous results of the project team. Special attention will be paid to the recent work in educational data mining and intelligent tutoring. Specific key objectives include: 1) Representation of Trial Data for Predictive Modeling: how to represent the raw sequential data in a way that is most suitable for prediction modeling; 2) Development of Models for Prediction of Trial Outcomes: which model is the most suitable for prediction of outcomes in sequential trials and how to train a prediction model from highly-dimensional multi-therapy recipient sequential data; and 3) Guiding Therapy of a Child with Autism Based on an Early Classification Model: how to adjust and extend the previously developed approach by the project team to guide trials.

Phase II

Contract Number: 1632257
Start Date: 8/1/2016    Completed: 7/31/2018
Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2020)
Phase II Amount

The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will revolutionize the treatment of individuals with autism. One of every sixty-eight US children has autism (over 1.1 million). The estimated cost of providing Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy to those who could benefit is $7.5 billion dollars annually. Societal impacts include: 1) more individuals with autism across the globe will receive treatment regimens that will enable them to live more fulfilled lives and reach their full potential; 2) families whose children are good candidates for treatment and receive it will experience reduced stress and better family life; and 3) the additional lifetime cost of not effectively treating children with autism, which is approximately ten-fold the cost of treatment, will be reduced. Because high-quality, contextually rich ABA performance data will be collected for the first time, efforts to apply data analytics will contribute in two important ways: a) patterns may be discerned across individuals with autism to better understand variations in autism and create therapies to target these differences; b) expansion of the frontiers of data mining to provide guidance in real time will contribute to a number of areas within and beyond ABA therapy.The proposed project will optimize therapy outcomes for individuals with autism by transforming agent-based guiding technology into an adaptive and intelligent ABA therapy assistant for supervisors and instructors. The project pushes the boundaries in providing cost-effective, adaptable, intelligent, real-time guidance and data-collection support to instructors that integrates naturally into the instructional process and is easy to learn and use. ABA therapy experts, supervisors and instructors will verify the analyses and resulting guidance incorporated into the technology. Advanced theories of usability engineering, including some developed by the project team, will be used to build interfaces that supervisors and instructors can intuit without the need for learning new concepts and syntax. The project will utilize the collected logs from multiple sessions with multiple therapy recipients and multiple therapy providers to uncover hidden patterns and assist supervisors in selecting appropriate therapy steps personalized for the individual with autism. The project will build on a large body of recent work in visualization, machine learning on temporal predictive modeling and sequential pattern mining, including some of the previous results of the project team. Special attention will be paid to the recent work in educational data mining and intelligent tutoring.