The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) project is the improvement of wheat yields by introducing newly identified dwarfing genes. The currently used dwarfing genes, which were instrumental in bringing about the "green revolution", are at least partly responsible for this bottleneck. These dwarfing genes, present in more than 90% of the wheat varieties grown worldwide, render most of the wheat crop prone to losses due to abiotic (non-living) stresses. This research project will use the products from an NSF-funded academic research to characterize new types of dwarfing genes for wheat, and commercialize selected dwarfing genes around the globe. Outcomes and products from the proposed research project are poised to alleviate the bottleneck created by the currently used dwarfing genes, and have the potential to significantly increase wheat yields, especially under abiotic stress conditions. The research project, while creating a viable commercial product with global appeal, also will contribute positively towards food security in this changing climate. This STTR Phase I project proposes to further develop and test alternative dwarfing genes to improve wheat yield and abiotic stress tolerance around the globe. Semi-dwarf mutants rht1 and rht2 in wheat are credited for the gene revolution, and are present in more than 90% of the wheat varieties grown worldwide. Their height reduction is due to a reduced production or perception of a plant hormone, gibberellins (GA), which plays a critical role in abiotic stress tolerance. Under abiotic stresses that affect more than 85% of the US and 50% of the world's wheat growing areas, these GA-dwarfs exhibit adverse effects on various agronomic traits including abiotic stress tolerance. The project will characterize newly identified 22 "GA-normal" dwarfing genes for their agronomic advantage over the currently used genes, especially under heat, drought, and salinity stresses with the objective to identify ideal dwarfing gene systems for various wheat growing conditions. The selected dwarfing genes also will be mapped relative to DNA markers for intellectual property protection, and for their transfer to wheat cultivars via marker assisted selection.