Surface Coatings for Enhanced Efficiency of Industrial Condensers
Award last edited on: 8/6/2020

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Principal Investigator
Jonathan Rosen

Company Information

NBD Nanotechnologies Inc (AKA: NBD Nano)

419 Western Avenue
Boston, MA 02135
   (617) 903-4634

Research Institution

University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign

Phase I

Contract Number: 1331817
Start Date: 7/1/2013    Completed: 6/30/2014
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
This Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) Phase I project aims to significantly enhance water condensation heat transfer through the application of patterned surface coatings. These patterned coatings are expected to reduce unnecessary energy consumption caused by film-wise condensation mechanisms, typical in modern condenser systems. Instead, the proposed surfaces promote sustained drop-wise condensation, a mechanism that is, according to theory, 10 times more energy efficient than film-wise condensation, thus leading to significant reductions in material and operating costs. State-of-the art commercial coatings that promote drop-wise condensation have limited operating lifetimes of only 100 h. Therefore, a durable coating that facilitates sustained operation for longer durations is highly desirable for commercial applications. The technology proposed in this grant application involves the manufacture of surfaces with patterned hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions through the deposition of a hydrophobic coating that can be thermally decomposed locally via a carbon dioxide laser affording spatial resolutions below 100 micrometers. The methods selected to manufacture, apply, and pattern the coatings are standard industrial large-scale processes and are amenable to scaling up. The patterned wettability coatings are anticipated to improve the energy efficiency of condensation surfaces by a factor of 2 - 4 times from the current state-of-the-art. The broader impact/commercial potential of this project affects a number of large market segments that depend on condensation processes, from small household dehumidifiers and HVAC systems, to large scale desalination plants. Condensation is an extremely energy intensive process. Thus, any costeffective performance enhancement facilitates numerous applications, such as enhanced dehumidification, HVAC and atmospheric water generation. The dehumidifier market alone represents a global market of $7 billion. By incorporating NBD coatings into existing commercial units, energy costs may be reduced without compromising condensation output, thereby disrupting the market with new energy efficient devices. The proposed technology also has civilian, humanitarian and military applications because it recovers water from the natural humidity in the atmosphere in virtually any region of the world. It will enable the US to increase its national security by enabling efficient water harvesting, lend goodwill through support of humanitarian needs, improve our nation's economic competiveness, and ultimately bring more STEM jobs to America. Enhanced condensation can have a significant logistical impact for any remote operation worldwide where water is not readily accessible. Other uses can enable increased global sustainability for capturing potable water for human, animal and plant consumption. PUBLICATIONS PRODUCED AS A RESULT OF THIS RESEARCH A. Ghosh, R. Ganguly, T. M. Schutzius and C. M. Megaridis. "Wettability Patterning for High-rate, Pumpless Fluid Transport on Open, Non-planar, Microfluidic Platforms," Lab on a Chip:!divAbstract, v.14, 2014, p. 1538.

Phase II

Contract Number: 1456339
Start Date: 3/1/2015    Completed: 2/28/2017
Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2016)
Phase II Amount

The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is in demonstrating the commercial implementation of NBD Nanotechnologies, Inc.'s (NBD) Enhanced Condensation Coating. NBD's external surface coating sustains dropwise condensation on copper-based tubes, resulting in energy savings and increased efficiency for industrial condensers in steam power and thermal desalination plants. NBD's innovative and proprietary techniques ensure adhesion onto the substrate while not compromising the thermal resistance with the coating's sub-microscale thickness. NBD has validated the increased efficiency of its external surface condenser coating technology at a lab-scale and will carry out pilot tests to quantify the efficiency gain and technology durability at a system-level in industrial condensers, as requested by utility customers. NBD presents a technology that addresses the key commercial bottlenecks of durability, scalability and performance, which have stymied coatings in condensers, presenting a leapfrogging technology that addresses the water-energy nexus. Every 1% improvement in power plant efficiency results in $10MM revenue per plant per year, as stated by a partnering power generation company. Thus, any improvement in the efficiency of a steam condenser has significant impact that directly benefits both global energy and water sustainability efforts.This project contributes to R&D advancement focused on: large-scale chemical and coating processing, surface wettability, nano-and micro-scale heat transfer, condensation, and water and energy resource sustainability. The project's multidisciplinary nature reflects the dynamic aspects of condensation heat transfer phenomenon, which covers varying length scales (nano, micro, meso and macro scale) and time scales. Thus, the challenging nature of optimizing and sustaining enhanced condensation invites innovative and creative solutions to mitigate the water and energy resource management problems. During Phase I, the project demonstrated the proof of concept of the coating's condensation enhancement for both industrial condensers with pure steam (and trace amounts of non-condensable gases) and for HVAC/dehumidification systems where condensation occurs with higher concentrations of non-condensable gases. The objective of phase II proposal is to address and facilitate the required steps for scaling up and integrating NBD's condenser coating into industrial condensers' supply chain. NBD has identified industrial condensers as its primary entry market, where a greater increase in condenser system performance and savings in cost and fuel consumption can be reached. NBD has been establishing partnerships for pilot studies to perform larger scale experimental tests to validate its technology's performance, durability and system-level efficiency gains empirically.