Adaptive Mobile Learning for STEM Education Using Massive Open Online Courses
Award last edited on: 1/16/2015

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
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Award Phase
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Principal Investigator
Nishikant Sonwalkar

Company Information

Synaptic Global Learning LLC

76 Canal Street Suite 403
Boston, MA 02114
   (617) 399-1774
Location: Single
Congr. District: 08
County: Suffolk

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The innovation will introduce game-changing brain-based adaptive mobile learning technology to science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education. The proprietary technology provides multiple learning pathways as well as cognitive behavior analytics to help learners reach maximum learning outcomes. The new technology utilizes a powerful Markovian statistical inference engine to stimulate, create and strengthen neural pathways to enhance the acquisition, retention, recall and application of knowledge. It is unique in integrating four dimensional aspects of learning -- multimedia, learning pedagogy, interactivity and social interaction, and addresses five learning strategies -- apprentice incidental, inductive, deductive and discovery. The platform collects click-stream data, allowing continuous learner assessment and dynamic re-rendering of content for real-time remediation. The data also provide the means for ongoing learner analytics for continuous course improvement. Learners participating in early trials of the adaptive learning technology achieved a high degree of competency and course completion. The project?s investigative focus will be on teaching undergraduate physics at a public university. The scalability of courses delivered via this technology and the potential to offer Massive Open Online Courses, combined with the application of knowledge gained from learner analytics, could revolutionize STEM education and greatly increase the flow of students in the STEM career pipeline.

The broader/commercial impact of science, technology, engineering and technology (STEM) education delivered via adaptive mobile learning technology is tied to its ability to increase the number of STEM professionals. This will be promoted by increasing both the number of students taking STEM courses and the percentage of students successfully completing them. The innovative adaptive mobile learning technology is (1) flexible for adaptation to any curricula and for any student population, including remedial or advanced placement; (2) scalable, whether for one classroom or a Massive Open Online Course offered to tens of thousands of students; (3) portable, in that courses can be accessed anywhere, anytime, including by smart phone or tablet, with minimal technology requirements; (4) affordable, because post-secondary and secondary institutions can offer cloud-based courses without an investment in technology and technical support; and, above all, (5) effective, providing each student a personalized learning environment, an effective learning trajectory, and real-time remediation until competency is achieved. The project's Phase I focus is introductory physics. Additional STEM offerings will be developed and deployed as the project progresses, with near-term potential to develop 20 pre-college STEM Massive Open Online Courses reaching one million students a year.

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount