Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2014)
This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project will develop innovative Osorb bioretention systems for enhanced remediation of stormwater quality. PI, Dr. Hanbae Yang, is using novel engineered glass-metal hybrid materials developed by ABSMaterials, Inc. of Wooster, Ohio to remediate environmental pollutants. Runoff control is an immediate and growing concern in the US. Stormwater often laden with nutrients, hydrocarbons, herbicides, and pharmaceuticals, damaging surface water and carrying persistent chemicals impacting humans and ecosystems. Dr. Yang's innovations for controlling runoff pollutants using engineered glass (Osorb)-metal composites mixed into bioretention systems have demonstrated effectiveness on atrazine, estradiol, endocrine disruptors, BTEX, and nutrients. The Osorb-metal composites combine two advanced remediation materials: (1) a high-capacity organosilica sorbent, Osorb, and (2) reactive embedded metals. The composite materials absorb pollutants by removing them from the water and degrade the pollutants within the glass. The key technology developments to be achieved in Phase II include (1) formula optimization field testing with clients, (2) formulation performance improvements, and (3) development of commercial and modular bioretention packages. Compared to older bioretention systems, it is expected some of these systems will see orders-of-magnitude improvement in effective stormwater pollutant remediation and set new standards for best management practice. The broader impact/commercial potential of this project conducted by Dr. Yang and ABSMaterials will include: (1) providing an entirely new tool for resolving combined sewer overflow challenges with green infrastructure for dozens of cities, (2) substantial reduction of environmental pollution with lower treatment cost for contaminated stormwater, (3) improvement of aquatic and human health, and (4) facilitation of green stormwater reuse. The EPA and state governments are mandating many stormwater programs control non-point-source/CSO pollution. The tools for runoff treatment are often lacking to meet stricter regulations. Developing economical and effective Osorb-based stormwater solutions will substantially reduce negative effects of runoff pollutants on human and aquatic health. Seattle estimates economic impact of uncontrolled stormwater runoff at $113M and plans to build 12,000 bioretention systems to reduce urban runoff by 16,000,000 gallons annually. Other cities, including Cleveland, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and New York, are developing similar green infrastructure strategies. ABSMaterials is further developing an integrated curriculum for science courses at high schools and colleges and providing internships and training experiences involving advanced materials and water remediation. The company expects to create 6 new full-time positions working directly on the commercial activities during the period of this grant.