This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project proposes to develop innovative, compact, and bright UV light emitting devices based on nanostructural optical materials that have tunable optical UV light emission. This innovation is based on optical processes emerged in nanomaterials by absorption and emission through band gap engineered meta-stable but high quantum efficiency nanocrystalline, highly directed wires and nanocrystalline epitaxial films. The research team will demonstrate the optimization of nanostructural optical materials with high UV light emission efficiencies and proto-type device integrated with optical fiber for further applications including medical devices, biological analysis tools, ultraviolet-based secure communications, space sensors, mineral identification, UV curing, UV fluorescent inspection, UV security, UV disinfection/sterilization of water, and UV measurement, which have market potentials of $ 500 million to $ 1 billion by 2010. Further studies will expand the potential of the candidate material for the fabrication of cost effective devices, and then focus on manufacturing and scale-up requirements. If successful the outcome of this research will have broad new applications towards enhancement of safety, security, and defense in bio-chemical attacks.