This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I Project involves the development of the Multi-Stage Collector (MSC) for multi-pollutant control. The MSC device is a hybrid electrostatic precipitator (ESP) - barrier filter (BF) device. The Phase I research will incorporate a non-thermal plasma (NTP) generator system in the MSC. The MSC-NTP concept overcomes shortcomings of the known multi-pollutant control concepts currently under development by incorporating all required systems within a common housing for an efficient control of both particulate and gaseous effluents. Successful development of the MSC for multi-pollutant control will provide industry with a compact multi-pollutant collection device that is smaller, more energy efficient, more universally applicable; as well as offering superior collection efficiency, particularly for fine particles in conjunction with NOx, SOx and Hg, than devices currently utilized in industry.