This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project addresses increased quality control in the cement industry. Quality control is vital in conserving natural resources And energy. If, for example, cement is not mixed with desired specifications, the mixture must be wasted. When one considers the energy expended in the various kilns and mills, the wastage is not only of materiel but tremendous energy as well. Once the mixture has been incorrectly produced, it may not in most cases, be economically feasible to correct the defects. This project will develop an on-line cross-belt mineral analysis system to ensure quality control. The system will couple two new technologies: a new long-lived electronic neutron generator and a new method of data analysis. It is hoped that the resulting system will have increased sensitivity over current systems. The commercial benefit of this technology aims to improve the quality of products produced by the cement industry. With on-line analysis, incorrectly mixed products can be corrected before the milling and drying processes. Thus, resources and energy can be conserved