Autonomous Undersea Systems Network (AUSNET)
Award last edited on: 10/18/2019

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code

Principal Investigator
Charles J Benton

Company Information

Technology Systems Inc

14 Maine Street Box 41
Brunswick, ME 04011
   (207) 798-4646
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: Cumberland

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
This Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project will produce a network application programmer's interface (API) specification and related implementation, referred to as the Autonomous Undersea Systems Network (AUSNET), for the distributed control of robotic and/or sensor systems in a low bandwidth, dynamic network environment. AUSNET will allow expanded networking services specifically tailored to the unique acoustic environment. The proposed effort builds upon emerging ad-hoc (self-forming, self-maintaining) network protocols. Specifically, platform applications will gain access to network generated and propagated data, as well as enhanced control of the actual networking protocols. This will provide significant improvement both locally and network wide in the use of the acoustic band. It will also enable great adaptability to the harsh underwater environment. The AUSNET effort will examine and demonstrate the potential to greatly enhance application level functionality by exploiting network capability and infrastructure in previously unexplored ways. Phase I will result in a feasibility demonstration. The Phase I development environment will be a simulation testbed, with a transition to a live operational environment planned for Phase II. The market for tools that maximize the potential of flexible next-generation computer networks is significant and extends beyond the immediate oceanographic application into other domains.

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2004)
Phase II Amount

This STTR Phase II project will result in the creation of an advanced network capability to enable ad-hoc networks to operate in a low bandwidth undersea environment. The specific application of the resultant capability will be to support Autonomous Undersea Systems Networks (AUSNET), which are fleets of unmanned robotic vehicles that can provide survey, search, and monitoring functions for customer bases including the oil industry, environmental monitoring, undersea communications infrastructure, search and rescue, and military applications. The capability will build upon the emerging standard Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocols to create a network that is entirely self-configuring, bandwidth conserving, and tailored to the unique requirements of cooperative undersea robotic operations. The two technical thrusts of the effort include AUSNET low-level protocol development, and higher level Application Programmer Interface specification and development. The cooperative Autonomous Undersea Vehicle (AUV) market is emerging and substantial. There are currently 17 companies selling undersea communications devices, each of which is a candidate licensee for AUSNET technology. Near term application of Phase II results is anticipated in Naval applications. Even greater application is to be found in support of offshore undersea operations addressing requirements of the oil industry, communications (undersea cable) installation and maintenance, environmental survey and monitoring, search and rescue operations, and exploration/scientific research