This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will investigate novel optical buffers based on spatial-spectral holography (SSH) for use in optical networks. Such a buffering capability will make optical switches much more compatible with the incumbent electronic switching technology. This will greatly advance the penetration of optical networking into government and commercial optical fiber communications networks, particularly for data communications applications. During the Phase I effort, the following tasks will be accomplished: (1) develop a theoretical model for SSH recording and retrieval processes, (2) survey of potential recording materials, (3) pilot experiment to demonstrate SSH at 1550 nm, (4) explore options for operation configurations, (5) explore architectures for integration of optical buffers with optical networks, and (6) final report. Spatial-spectral holographic optical buffers have the potential to be the input buffers for Wavelength Selective Cross-connects (WSXC) and other optical network elements. As such, they will find widespread application in high performance WDM networks.