This Small Business Innovative Research Phase 1 project will test a new design of a print reading machine for the blind and ultimately replace the 25-year-old Optacon reading device for which manufacturing and support has been discontinued. Blazie Research, Inc., together with its consultant team, responding to extensive interest among blind consumers, will investigate the feasibility of a new reader improving on Optacon functionality through the application of current technologies. The research target is a reading aid that is easier and quicker to learn to use. Such a reading aid will also make feasible faster reading speeds, be less expensive, and have an expanded range of uses. This research effort has the potential of creating a new hybrid audio/tactile/haptec tool to allow students, especially in the sciences and mathematical studies, to explore and understand symbols and graphics and spatially arranged text. The research plan will test modifications to the tactile images to make them easier to read, using image processing algorithms for improving letter quality and letter spacing. The work plan will apply new technologies for building the tactile array envisioning the "comb" array structure of Piezo Systems, Inc. as a promising development for lowering the cost of manufactured goods. Strategic advantages for blind readers will be tested by Blazie Research, Inc. through accessorizing the reading aid for the classroom and the market place. The proposed new reading aid for the blind will facilitate improved reading speeds, and has expanded potential as a new hybrid audio/tactile/haptec tool to enable reading mathematical symbols and graphics. The reading aid fills the void for immediate access to print materials by the blind reader in a variety of settings and in almost any language. Blazie Engineering, Inc., in concert with the newly formed research company, Blazie Research, Inc., expect to test, productize, and manufacture the new device and present it for sale to a worldwide market of visually handicapped consumers.