A homopolar hybrid magnetic turbine energy recovery dynamo may significantly reduce armature reaction in generating devices. Its design would increase voltage for interface with higher voltage systems. This has not been accomplished commercially in any homopolar energy conversion technique. Homopolar electrical generating technology is very efficient, but it is characterized by high amperage at low voltage. Therefore, it is deficient as a conventional generator due the inability to raise voltage. The heart of the magnetic turbine system is a low-inertia slave armature of a special design. In the proposed concept it cannot reciprocate as a motor without changing the armature design, maximizes voltage stepping with amperage. The turbine design slaves it the electric car motor. Due to the turbine armature's very low inertia, the burden to the vehicle motor is very small. As the vehicle motor rotates, the low-inertia turbine armature spins to high speed from mechanical advantage, without armature reaction or motor drag, to convert armature mechanical inertia into electric current that feeds the battery bank facilitating extended operation. This produces constant real-time generation when the motor is running in contrast to awkward gyro-effect, inertial flywheels or to switched reluctance motors on all four wheels of a vehicle that is only part-time and more costly due to control electronics. Keeping it simple and reliable is advantageous, especially in the present and future retrofit market. Phase I will facilitate a working model for evaluation. Phase II would produce a production prototype for further testing.