Behavior of peak vertical acceleration across small 2 dimensional strong-motion array
Award last edited on: 1/24/2006

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code

Principal Investigator
Robert Cudlin

Company Information

Tenera Services Corporation

One Market Spear Tower Suite 1850
San Francisco, CA 94105
   (415) 536-4744
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 12
County: San Francisco

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
In order to isolate the effects of site parameters on the recorded vertical ground motion in the near-source region of strong earthquakes, the vertical acceleration time histories across a dense two-dimensional array are being analyzed. The earthquake epicenter is located approximately 35 km from the center of the array. The inner ring of SMART-1 array in Taiwan, providing 12 accelerograms within a radius of 200 meters allows for examination of frequencies as high as 10 Hz and is, therefore, suitable for the experiment. Seismograms are subjected to both time and frequency domain analysis in order to determine (a) the nature of seismic phases(s) associated with peak acceleration, lb) the associated dominant frequencies, and (c) possible correlation of the dominant frequencies and their peak values with the known variations of subsurface parameters.The potential commercial application as described the awardee: The understanding of the near-source behavior of vertical acceleration is important in the design of critical structures and planning of major urban and industrial centers in the areas located near seismogenic features.

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Vertical peak acceleration, ground-motion, site amplification in order to isolate the effects of site parameters on the recorded vertical ground motion in the near-source region ofstrong earthqueakes, the vertical acceleration time histories across a dense two-dimensional array are being analyzed. The earthquake epicenter is located approximately35 km from the center of the array. The inner ring of smart-1 array in taiwan, providing 12 accelerograms within aradius of 200 meters allows for examination of frequencies as high as 10 hz and is, therefore, suitable for the experiment. Seismograms are subjected to both time and frequency domain analysis in order to determine (a) the nature of seismic phases(s) associated with peak acceleration, (b) the associated dominant frequencies and (c) possible correlation of the dominant frequencies and their peak values with the known variations of subsurface parameters.