Time-resolved laser speckle contrast imaging of resting-state functional connectivity in neonatal brain
Award last edited on: 3/5/2025

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Guoqiang Yu

Company Information

Biopticstechnology LLC (AKA: Bioptics Technology LLC)

2236 Barnwell Lane
Lexington, KY 40513
Location: Single
Congr. District: 06
County: Fayette

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R42MH135825-01
Start Date: 8/1/2023    Completed: 7/31/2024
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Continuous monitoring of neonatal brain development is crucial for effective management of brain injury and associated complications, thus reducing healthcare burden and costs. One rapidly developing method for earlycharacterization of abnormal brain development is to map resting-state functional connectivity (rs-FC) across distinct regions of the brain. However, currently available neuroimaging technologies are either expensive and difficult to use continuously (fMRI and PET) or lack the combination of temporal-spatial resolution and large field-of-view (FOV) to image distributed rs-FC (EEG and near-infrared spectroscopy and tomography). In collaboration with University of Kentucky inventors, Bioptics Technology is developing, validating, and commercializing are volutionary time-resolved laser speckle contrast imaging (TR-LSCI) technology that enables noncontact, fast, high-resolution imaging of cerebral blood flow (CBF) over a large FOV. TR-LSCI illuminates picosecond-pulsed, widefield, coherent, near-infrared light onto the brain and synchronizes a newly developed, picosecond-gated, high-resolution, single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) camera for 2D mapping of cerebral blood flow (CBF) at different depths into the head. By applying the time-gated strategy, TR-LSCI differentiates short and long photonpaths through the layered head tissues at different depths, thus eliminating the need for time-consuming complex3D reconstruction in near-infrared diffuse optical tomography technologies. In preliminary studies, continuous mapping of CBF at different depths has been demonstrated by a lab-made benchtop TR-LSCI prototype in flow-simulating phantoms and in vivo rodents. In this Fast Track STTR proposal through two phases, we will develop, optimize, validate, and commercialize a user-friendly portable TR-LSCI device for fast, high-solution, and multiscale imaging of CBF and rs-FC in neonatal rodents (Phase 1) and neonatal piglets (Phase 2). Specifically, Phase 1 will optimize and assess the benchtop TR-LSCI prototype for imaging CBF and extracting rs-FC (derived from time-course CBF images) in neonatal rodents with perinatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).Neonatal rats are used in this Phase 1 feasibility test to de-risk the TR-LSCI before its full-scale development inneonatal piglets during Phase 2. HIE is selected to study as it affects 2-9 babies per 1000 term births and is associated with severe neuro developmental problems and mortality. Phase 2 will develop, optimize, and assessa user-friendly portable TR-LSCI device for continuous imaging of CBF and rs-FC in neonatal piglets with HIE. Neonatal piglets are selected to study as their head size and post-HIE pathology are analogous to human neonates. TR-LSCI results will be correlated with MRI results and clinical outcomes to identify biomarkers for assessing neonatal brain injury after HIE. While this proposal tests it on HIE models of neonatal rats and piglets as the first step for preclinical commercialization, the TR-LSCI device is broadly applicable to investigate many neurovascular diseases beyond HIE occurring in human neonates, thereby providing a significant opportunity for future clinical development and commercialization.

Public Health Relevance Statement:

Project narrative:
Continuous monitoring of neonatal brain development is crucial for effective management of brain injury and associated complications, thus reducing healthcare burden and costs. Bioptics Technology is developing, validating, and commercializing a revolutionary time-resolved laser speckle contrast imaging (TR-LSCI) technology that enables noncontact, fast, high-resolution imaging of cerebral blood flow and resting-state functional connectivity across distinct regions of the brain for noninvasive and continuous assessment of neonatal brain development to prevent brain injury. While the proposal tests this imaging technology in perinatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy models of neonatal rats and piglets as the first step for preclinical commercialization, the TR-LSCI device is broadly applicable to investigate many neurovascular diseases beyond HIE occurring in human neonates, thereby providing a significant opportunity for future clinical development and commercialization.

Project Terms:

Phase II

Contract Number: 4R42MH135825-02
Start Date: 8/1/2024    Completed: 7/31/2026
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Continuous monitoring of neonatal brain development is crucial for effective management of brain injury and associated complications, thus reducing healthcare burden and costs. One rapidly developing method for early characterization of abnormal brain development is to map resting-state functional connectivity (rs-FC) across distinct regions of the brain. However, currently available neuroimaging technologies are either expensive and difficult to use continuously (fMRI and PET) or lack the combination of temporal-spatial resolution and large field- of-view (FOV) to image distributed rs-FC (EEG and near-infrared spectroscopy and tomography). In collaboration with University of Kentucky inventors, Bioptics Technology is developing, validating, and commercializing a revolutionary time-resolved laser speckle contrast imaging (TR-LSCI) technology that enables noncontact, fast, high-resolution imaging of cerebral blood flow (CBF) over a large FOV. TR-LSCI illuminates picosecond-pulsed, widefield, coherent, near-infrared light onto the brain and synchronizes a newly developed, picosecond-gated, high-resolution, single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) camera for 2D mapping of cerebral blood flow (CBF) at different depths into the head. By applying the time-gated strategy, TR-LSCI differentiates short and long photon paths through the layered head tissues at different depths, thus eliminating the need for time-consuming complex 3D reconstruction in near-infrared diffuse optical tomography technologies. In preliminary studies, continuous mapping of CBF at different depths has been demonstrated by a lab-made benchtop TR-LSCI prototype in flow- simulating phantoms and in vivo rodents. In this Fast Track STTR proposal through two phases, we will develop, optimize, validate, and commercialize a user-friendly portable TR-LSCI device for fast, high-solution, and multiscale imaging of CBF and rs-FC in neonatal rodents (Phase 1) and neonatal piglets (Phase 2). Specifically, Phase 1 will optimize and assess the benchtop TR-LSCI prototype for imaging CBF and extracting rs-FC (derived from time-course CBF images) in neonatal rodents with perinatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). Neonatal rats are used in this Phase 1 feasibility test to de-risk the TR-LSCI before its full-scale development in neonatal piglets during Phase 2. HIE is selected to study as it affects 2-9 babies per 1000 term births and is associated with severe neurodevelopmental problems and mortality. Phase 2 will develop, optimize, and assess a user-friendly portable TR-LSCI device for continuous imaging of CBF and rs-FC in neonatal piglets with HIE. Neonatal piglets are selected to study as their head size and post-HIE pathology are analogous to human neonates. TR-LSCI results will be correlated with MRI results and clinical outcomes to identify biomarkers for assessing neonatal brain injury after HIE. While this proposal tests it on HIE models of neonatal rats and piglets as the first step for preclinical commercialization, the TR-LSCI device is broadly applicable to investigate many neurovascular diseases beyond HIE occurring in human neonates, thereby providing a significant opportunity for future clinical development and commercialization.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
NARRATIVE Continuous monitoring of neonatal brain development is crucial for effective management of brain injury and associated complications, thus reducing healthcare burden and costs. Bioptics Technology is developing, validating, and commercializing a revolutionary time-resolved laser speckle contrast imaging (TR-LSCI) technology that enables noncontact, fast, high-resolution imaging of cerebral blood flow and resting-state functional connectivity across distinct regions of the brain for noninvasive and continuous assessment of neonatal brain development to prevent brain injury. While the proposal tests this imaging technology in perinatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy models of neonatal rats and piglets as the first step for preclinical commercialization, the TR-LSCI device is broadly applicable to investigate many neurovascular diseases beyond HIE occurring in human neonates, thereby providing a significant opportunity for future clinical development and commercialization. Terms: <3-D; 3-Dimensional; 3D; Acquired brain injury; Affect; Algorithms; Animal Model; Animal Models and Related Studies; Biological Markers; Body Tissues; Brain; Brain Injuries; Brain Nervous System; Brain hemodynamics; Brain imaging; Brain region; Calibration; Cell Communication and Signaling; Cell Signaling; Cerebrovascular Circulation; Clinical; Collaborations; Common Rat Strains; Complex; Consumption; Development; Diffuse; Diffusion; Disease; Disorder; EEG; Early Diagnosis; Electroencephalogram; Electroencephalography; Encephalon; Fullterm Birth; Functional MRI; Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Future; Head; Health; Human; Image; Imaging Device; Imaging Instrument; Imaging Tool; Imaging technology; Infant; Intracellular Communication and Signaling; Investigation; Kentucky; Laboratories; Laser Speckle Imaging; Light; MR Imaging; MR Tomography; MRI; MRIs; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Maps; Medical Imaging, Magnetic Resonance / Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; Methods; Modality; Modeling; Modern Man; Monitor; NIR Spectroscopy; NMR Imaging; NMR Tomography; Near-Infrared Spectrometry; Near-Infrared Spectroscopy; Neonatal; Neonatal Brain Injury; Neonatal Intensive Care Units; Neurodevelopmental Problem; Neurosciences Research; Newborn Intensive Care Units; Noise; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Operating System; Outcome; PET; PET Scan; PET imaging; PETSCAN; PETT; Pathology; Perinatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy; Perinatal anoxic ischemic brain injury; Phase; Photons; Photoradiation; Physiologic pulse; Positron Emission Tomography Medical Imaging; Positron Emission Tomography Scan; Positron-Emission Tomography; Probabilistic Models; Probability Models; Property; Pulse; Rad.-PET; Rat; Rats Mammals; Rattus; Resolution; Rest; Risk; Rodent; Rodentia; Rodents Mammals; STTR; Scalp; Scalp structure; Signal Transduction; Signal Transduction Systems; Signaling; Skull; Small Business Technology Transfer Research; Statistical Models; System; Technology; Term Birth; Testing; Time; Tissues; Universities; Variant; Variation; Zeugmatography; bio-markers; biologic marker; biological signal transduction; biomarker; biomarker identification; blood flow in brain; brain abnormalities; brain blood circulation; brain blood dynamics; brain blood flow; brain damage; brain visualization; brain-injured; care costs; cerebral blood flow; cerebral circulation; cerebral hemodynamics; cerebrocirculation; cerebrovascular blood flow; clinical applicability; clinical application; clinical development; commercialization; cost; cranium; de-noising; denoising; design; designing; developmental; diffuse optical tomography; diffused; diffuses; diffusing; diffusions; early detection; experiment; experimental research; experimental study; experiments; fMRI; feasibility testing; full-term birth; fullterm newborn; healthcare burden; high resolution imaging; hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy; identification of biomarkers; identification of new biomarkers; imager; imaging; improved; in vivo; laser speckle contrast imaging; lens; lenses; marker identification; model of animal; mortality; neonatal HIE; neonatal ICU; neonatal brain; neonatal brain development; neonatal hypoxia-ischemia; neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury; neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy; neonate; neural imaging; neuro-imaging; neuro-vascular; neuroimaging; neurological imaging; neurovascular; operation; operations; pig model; piglet model; porcine model; portability; positron emission tomographic (PET) imaging; positron emission tomographic imaging; positron emitting tomography; pre-clinical; preclinical; prevent; preventing; prototype; reconstruction; resolutions; statistical linear mixed models; statistical linear models; swine model; term newborn; three dimensional; tomography; user-friendly