Extraordinary Dispersion Engineering In Enabling Ultrafast Swept Source visiblelight Optical Coherence Tomography
Award last edited on: 2/10/2024

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Roman Kuranov

Company Information


820 Davis Street Unit 128
Evanston, IL 60201
   (847) 491-7167
Location: Single
Congr. District: 09
County: Cook

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R43EY034800-01A1
Start Date: 6/1/2023    Completed: 5/31/2024
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
This SBIR Phase 1 project focuses on developing, characterizing, and validating a new swept-source laser system to enable the next-generation clinical visible-light optical coherence tomography (vis-OCT). We will develop a novel design of photonic bandgap fiber that comprises Fiber Bragg Grating array to temporally disperse broadband picosecond-pulses to create a wavelength sweeping pulse train. The new swept source can operate up to tens of MHz frequencies without mechanical moving parts, enabling ultra-high-speed swept-source vis-OCT (SS-vis-OCT) for the first time. The new light source will also enable truly shot-noise-limited performance in vis-OCT while mitigating the artifacts caused by both eye motions and fringe washout. During the project period, we will design, fabricate, and optimize the new swept-source laser to achieve the desired sweeping frequency, bandwidth, and phase stability. We will further develop a prototype SS-vis-OCT and fully test its performance in phantom eyeballs, ex vivo bovine eyes, and blood vessel phantoms.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
Project Narrative This proposal aims to enable the next-generation visible-light optical coherence tomography (vis-OCT) by developing a new swept source laser. This new laser will permit the first swept source vis-OCT (SS-vis- OCT), improving the imaging speed by at least 20 folds and eliminating the intrinsic noise in current vis- OCT systems.

Project Terms:
Air; Anatomic Sites; Anatomic structures; Anatomy; Architecture; Engineering / Architecture; arteriole; Blood; Blood Reticuloendothelial System; Blood Vessels; vascular; Calibration; Blood capillaries; capillary; Cattle; Bovine Species; bovid; bovine; cow; Dendrites; Disease; Disorder; Engineering; Eye; Eyeball; Future; Glaucoma; glaucomatous; Goals; Grant; Hemoglobin; Human; Modern Man; Interferometry; Lasers; Laser Electromagnetic; Laser Radiation; Light; Photoradiation; Biological Models; Biologic Models; Model System; Theoretical model; Theoretic Models; Motion; New York; Noise; Optic Nerve; Cranial Nerve II; Second Cranial Nerve; Oxygen; O element; O2 element; Patients; Publishing; Research Personnel; Investigators; Researchers; Retina; Retinal Ganglion Cells; retinal ganglion; Signal Transduction; Cell Communication and Signaling; Cell Signaling; Intracellular Communication and Signaling; Signal Transduction Systems; Signaling; biological signal transduction; Synapses; Synaptic; synapse; Technology; Testing; Time; Traction; Universities; venule; Vision; Sight; visual function; Ultrafine; Measures; Artifacts; Morphologic artifacts; Caring; Tube; improved; Clinical; Phase; Training; Fiber; Visible Light; Visible Light Radiation; Visible Radiation; Collaborations; Metabolic; Mechanics; mechanic; mechanical; Physiologic pulse; Pulse; Frequencies; Source; System; Blindness; vision loss; visual loss; meter; interest; Early Diagnosis; early detection; Performance; charge coupled device camera; CCD camera; neural; Speed; novel; Optical Coherence Tomography; Doppler OCT; OCT Tomography; optical Doppler tomography; optical coherence Doppler tomography; Thickness; Thick; preventing; prevent; photonics; Detection; Inner Plexiform Layer; Resolution; resolutions; Functional Imaging; Physiologic Imaging; physiological imaging; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; SBIR; Small Business Innovation Research; Image; imaging; Output; cost; designing; design; next generation; Imaging technology; Coupling; prototype; clinical care; bio-markers; biologic marker; biomarker; Biological Markers; new product development; imaging system; anatomical imaging; anatomic imaging; imaging capabilities; preservation; retina imaging; retinal imaging; Visualization; nerve damage

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount