Radio-immunotherapy dose-painting (RAID) treatment for hormonal resistant prostate cancer
Award last edited on: 2/18/2023

Sponsored Program
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Principal Investigator
Adam Shilling

Company Information

Nanocan Therapeutics Corporation

103 Carnegie Center
Princeton, NJ 08540
   (202) 297-0498

Research Institution

Johns Hopkins University - Baltimore

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R42CA272056-01
Start Date: 5/9/2022    Completed: 11/30/2023
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Prostate cancer, rather indolent by nature, has specific subtypes present with aggressive locoregional diseasethat are quickly becoming hormonal resistant. Patients with castrate-resistant disease (CRPC) are generallyyounger and non-Caucasian, and many suffer from local progression, edema, and pain. Radiotherapy (RT) isoffered but limited by the extent, former exposure, and resistance of disease. Sequential multiple chemotherapyor RT treatments, offered as standard of care, are hard to comply to, especially in low-resource populations.Treatment of this symptomatic population is often terminated prematurely, or never started, due to financial andtime restrictions. Innovative, shorter more efficient treatments are needed, especially to reduce disparities incompliance and outcomes of global cancer care.In extensive preclinical work, the combination of RT with immunogenic smart radiotherapy materials (iSRBs),addressed as radio-immunotherapy dose-painting (RAID) technology, brings intra-tumoral slow-releaseantiCD40 payload in the target that gets irradiated and has shown to prime the immune system and createsustainable tumor control by in situ-vaccination, even after different therapeutic options have failed. Moreover,this combination treatment can improve quality of life (QoL) fast by a short simple intervention with fewer sideeffects, having an antiCD40 payload far smaller than needed in intravenous (IV) immunotherapy.The overall goal of this project - proposed by Nanocan Therapeutics Corporation in collaboration with JohnHopkins Medicine, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Northwell Health - is to bridge preclinical work to the firstclinical trial with the innovative RAID technology and confirm its potential for in situ-vaccination that can extendthe use of radiotherapy (RT) from palliative local treatment to systemic disease control in one session.The iSRBs are as seed-like fiducial markers administered directly in the prostate tumor by ultrasound guidedneedles. The iSRBs create contrast on CT and KV imaging making RT set-up fast; iSRBs slowly release (20mcgper unit over 15 days) anti-CD40 payload directly the target which gets irradiated, triggering in situ-vaccination.The purpose of this project is to translate extensive safety and efficacy data from small animal studies of singlefraction RT combined with slow released intra-tumoral antiCD40 delivery to a first human trial for CRPC patients.The first part will be used to optimize iSRBs into a cGMP product, and confirmation of larger volume testing inmonkeys to confirm safety, immunogenicity, and pharmacokinetics already performed in extensive small animalwork. Milestones will complete IND filling by Nanocan Therapeutics. After FDA approval, second part of theproject will encompass the Phase 1 single arm open label clinical trial seeking confirmation of safety and numberof iSRBs as well as RT dose needed in CRPR patients. This project can provide all needed data for plannedPhase II clinical work in aims offering a novel treatment paradigm for CRPR patients.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
NARRATIVE Prostate cancer is the most common male cancer and although rather indolent by nature, has specific subtypes present with aggressive locoregional disease that become hormonal resistant fast. Patients with castrate-resistant disease are generally younger and non-Caucasian, and many suffer from local progression, edema, and pain. Overall compliance to standard of care long-course chemotherapy and/or radiation is poor due to toxicity and costs, in this research project, we aim sustainable tumor control by in situ vaccination combining intra-tumoral insertion of immune-promoting nanoparticles with radiotherapy in a one-day treatment.

Project Terms:

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount