Oscillated Insertion Tool for Minimally Invasive, Low-Damage, Accurate Placement of Delivery Cannula to Improve Efficacy for DREADDS Therapy in Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Award last edited on: 2/4/2025

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Principal Investigator
Kevin A Snook

Company Information

Actuated Medical Inc (AKA: PRII~Piezo Resonance Innovations Inc)

310 Rolling Ridge Drive
Bellefonte, PA 16823
   (814) 355-0003
Location: Single
Congr. District: 15
County: Centre

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R43AA030512-01
Start Date: 9/1/2022    Completed: 5/31/2023
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
This Phase I SBIR develops and tests an Oscillated Syringe for Intracranial Injections (OSII) of viral constructsfor chemogenetic studies of alcohol addiction neurocircuitry in the brain. The project's long-term goal is todevelop and commercialize a surgical tool to enable reliable and safe injections of viral constructs into thebrain for preclinical studies, and eventually clinical therapeutic approaches. Actuated Medical, Inc. (AMI)develops innovative motion devices incorporating electronically-controlled actuator technologies to improvepatient outcomes and advance medical research. This work is in collaboration with Drs. K. Grant and V. CuzonCarlson at the Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU).Public Health Problem: Alcohol addiction is estimated to affect 28 million Americans over the age of 12 in2020 - and is subject to relapse rates of 40-60% despite available pharmaceutical and psychosocial therapies.Chemogenetic tools have significant potential to lead to translational findings in preclinical research that canilluminate mechanisms underlying alcohol pharmacology and addiction. However, the utility of chemogenetics, such as designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADDs), is limited by how well the viralconstructs can be targeted to specific brain regions, to maximize and precisely control designer receptorexpression. In a recent preclinical study targeting DREADD receptors to the nucleus accumbens, the percentof targeted cells expressing the DREADD receptor ranged from 41-87%. This poor delivery accuracysignificantly impacted subsequent behavioral outcomes and prevented conclusive study hypothesis testing.Solution: This project commercializes the OSII to improve targeting and viral expression in preclinical studies, initially examining the neural circuitry underlying alcohol addiction. AMI will leverage its oscillated neuralimplant insertion technology which enables low-force, low-friction insertion of probes and electrodes into thebrain. The goals for the OSII system are 1) reduce insertion force, 2) enable use of smaller and more flexibleviral injection syringes, including the potential for blunted tips, 3) reduce tissue damage, 4) reduce risk of virusmigration to other tissues along the syringe insertion track, and 5) allow insertion through the dura.Aim 1 Demonstrate accurate placement of 25-36G micro-injection cannulas in simulated deep brain targetsusing vibration with and without intact dura. Acceptance Criteria: >70% reduction in insertion force comparedto non-vibrated insertion, and <1 mm deviation from target path with 5 cm deep insertions using 25-36Gpolyimide and metal cannulas in models. 100% insertion success through dura with 36G metal cannula. Aim 2Demonstrate OSII improves viral vector delivery to targets with less off-target spreading and DREADD receptorexpression in preclinical model. Acceptance Criteria: Improved mean percentage (>55%) of DREADD receptorexpression restricted to the target tissue with viral injection via OSII (as compared to previous study).

Public Health Relevance Statement:

Project narrative:
Alcohol addiction is a major public health burden. DREADDs (designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs) are chemogenetic tools primarily used for neuroscience research, but recently appreciated for their potential as therapeutic for neurological disorders, including addictive behaviors like alcohol addiction. A complication of the implementation of chemogenetic tools is that viral vectors must be reliably delivered to target brain structures for precise viral expression. This project will develop and commercialize a system that leverages oscillation of a thin injection cannula for reduced insertion and friction forces, improving the targeting and reliability of injections to precise brain locations.

Project Terms:

Phase II

Contract Number: 2R44AA030512-02
Start Date: 9/1/2022    Completed: 5/31/2027
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
This Phase II SBIR further develops the Oscillated Syringe for Intracranial Injections (OSII) system to deliver low-force, high-accuracy placement of cannulas for drug and viral vector infusions to the central nervous system. The project: a) moves the system toward clinical use, including an FDA Pre-submission; and b) completes testing required to market the device to the neuroscience community as a research tool. Actuated Medical, Inc. (AMI) will collaborate with key staff at the Oregon Health and Science University and Penn State University for development and validation tasks, including a critical adeno-associated virus (AAV) study. Public Health Problem: Treating substance abuse remains a major challenge in the U.S. and worldwide. Counselling approaches experience high relapse rates. Pharmacological interventions such as Naltrexone are subject to inconsistent use and are not safe for patients with compromised renal and liver function. AAV potential: Recent expansion of gene editing tools such as CRISPR, and delivery of stable gene expressing plasmids through new delivery methods with cell-type specificity, such as recombinant AAVs, have shown promise for treating previously intractable diseases. Research focused on addiction has produced promising behavioral changes, but variability in regional AAV expression due to current delivery methods results in too much uncertainty for clinical viability. This is in part due to needle deflections during insertion, as well as bolus spread through perivascular spaces and backwards along large needle tracks. New surgical devices and methods are needed that can achieve the specificity of viral infusion needed for clinical use. OSII will simplify, standardize, and improve intracranial injections for pharmacology or viral-vector delivery. Axial vibration of the cannula reduces insertion force and buckling, allowing use of smaller infusion cannula, reducing damage to regions along the needle track, and minimizing aliquot backflow during needle withdrawal. Product Innovation: OSII uses electronic control to maintain device oscillation at resonance frequency for long (up to 30 cm) insertions. Precision tight coupling allows transmission of the vibration to the cannula. Long- Term Goal: Phase II validates behavioral modification following gene therapy with OSII-delivered vectors in a preclinical model and conducts an FDA Pre-submission discussion. Future projects obtain an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) for first-in-man trials of OSII as a delivery tool to treat addictive behavior. Aim 1. Advance usability of OSII through development of improved syringe coupling and user control mechanisms. Aim 2. In vivo validation of neural circuit modulation using OSII-delivered DREADDs. Aim 3. In vivo validation of behavioral modulation using OSII-delivered DREADDS in attentional set-shift task and schedule-induced polydipsia paradigms. Aim 4. Confirm safety and efficacy of OSII system through Verification and Validation (V&V). Conduct Pre-submission discussion with the FDA.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
Narrative: Alcohol addiction is a major public health burden. DREADDs (designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs) are chemogenetic tools primarily used for neuroscience research, but recently appreciated for their potential as therapeutics for neurological disorders, including addictive behaviors like alcohol addiction. A complication of the implementation of chemogenetic tools is that the viral vectors used to deliver them, such as an adeno-associated virus (AAV), must be reliably and accurately placed within target brain structures for precise viral expression and resultant clinical effect from the DREADDs. This project develops a system that leverages oscillation of a thin injection cannula for reduced insertion and friction forces relative to larger standard cannulas, improving the targeting and reliability of precise injections to deep brain locations. Terms:
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