Novel Sensor Integrated Proteome on Chip (SPOC) platform for evaluating kinetic parameters of protein interactions in high throughput
Award last edited on: 2/16/2024

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Principal Investigator
Bharath Takulapalli

Company Information

Inanobio Inc

1430 West Auto Drive Suite 101
Tempe, AZ 85284
   (602) 758-9099
Location: Single
Congr. District: 09
County: Maricopa

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R44TR004297-01
Start Date: 8/12/2022    Completed: 7/31/2024
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
A critical bottleneck in the field of proteomics is the inability to simultaneously and cost-effectively evaluate thousands of functional protein interactions at once to obtain kinetic data. Although conventional in-situ protein microarray technology is well developed, it uses fluorescent dye based detection that provides only qualitative or semi-quantitative information. There is currently no technology that offers label-free real-time interaction assays of full-length folded proteins in high throughput format. To address this unmet need, INanoBio is developing novel sensor integrated proteome on chip (SPOC) platform that combines in situ expression and capture of functional proteins on biosensors, to allow instant high throughput analysis of thousands of proteins in real time. In this SBIR phase II project, we propose to develop SPOC platform by integrating in situ produced protein arrays with surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRi), by building integrated ProSPR instrument that will enable SPRi determination of both qualitative and kinetic information of protein biomolecular interactions in high throughput. We will develop, validate and apply 1000 protein SPOC SPRi sensor chips to study clinically relevant protein- protein interactions and test off-target binding of new antibodies produced in animal models against human proteins.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
Project Narrative Protein binding and interactions with other proteins, DNA/RNA, metabolites and other biomolecules drive biological functionality at the molecular level. Currently there are no tools for real time sensing of protein interactions in high throughput with thousands of proteins at once. The proposed project aims to develop a novel sensor integrated proteome on chip platform to produce and analyze thousands of in-situ expressed functional proteins onto SPRi (surface plasmon resonance imaging) biosensor chips, with the end goal of addressing unmet needs in proteomic research from novel antibody validation, serum screening, biomarker discovery, and drug and vaccine development.

Project Terms:
Antibodies; Monoclonal Antibodies; Clinical Treatment Moab; mAbs; Back; Dorsum; Biological Assay; Assay; Bioassay; Biologic Assays; Budgets; Capital; Cells; Cell Body; Diagnosis; DNA; Deoxyribonucleic Acid; Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay; ELISA; enzyme linked immunoassay; Florida; Fluorescent Dyes; Fluorescence Agents; Fluorescent Agents; fluorescent dye/probe; Genes; Goals; Gold; Human; Modern Man; Institutes; Investments; Kinetics; Mus; Mice; Mice Mammals; Murine; Privatization; Proteins; Regeneration; regenerate; Natural regeneration; Research; Non-Polyadenylated RNA; RNA Gene Products; Ribonucleic Acid; RNA; Running; Technology; Testing; Time; Custom; protein folding; base; Label; sensor; Area; Surface; Phase; Variant; Variation; Evaluation; Blood Serum; Serum; Ligand Binding Protein; Ligand Binding Protein Gene; Protein Binding; bound protein; Binding Proteins; Funding; Biological Function; Biological Process; Collaborations; Letters; Spottings; Shapes; tool; instrument; Nature; catalog; Catalogs; programs; Protocol; Protocols documentation; In Situ; Pattern; System; Best Practice Analysis; Benchmarking; develop a vaccine; develop vaccines; development of a vaccine; vaccine development; Surface Plasmon Resonance; Animal Models and Related Studies; model of animal; model organism; Animal Model; biological sensor; Biosensor; novel; Proteome; protein protein interaction; drug development; high throughput analysis; Proteomics; monolayer; Protein Array; Protein Biochips; Protein Chips; Protein Microarray; Protein Microchips; Molecular Interaction; Binding; protein expression; small molecule; Address; Length; Microarray-Based Analysis; microarray analyses; microarray technology; Microarray Analysis; Data; Detection; Imaging Instrument; Imaging Tool; Imaging Device; Phage Display; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; SBIR; Small Business Innovation Research; Validation; Monitor; Molecular; protein function; Development; developmental; Image; imaging; Output; cost; clinically relevant; clinical relevance; mouse model; murine model; commercialization; waiver; ChIP-on-chip; ChIP-chip; screening; precision medicine; precision-based medicine; imaging system; phenotypic biomarker; phenotypic marker; biomarker discovery; imaging detection; imaging-based detection; imaging-based disease detection; testing services

Phase II

Contract Number: 5R44TR004297-02
Start Date: 8/12/2022    Completed: 7/31/2024
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
A critical bottleneck in the field of proteomics is the inability to simultaneously and cost-effectively evaluate thousands of functional protein interactions at once to obtain kinetic data. Although conventional in-situ protein microarray technology is well developed, it uses fluorescent dye based detection that provides only qualitative or semi-quantitative information. There is currently no technology that offers label-free real-time interaction assays of full-length folded proteins in high throughput format. To address this unmet need, INanoBio is developing novel sensor integrated proteome on chip (SPOC) platform that combines in situ expression and capture of functional proteins on biosensors, to allow instant high throughput analysis of thousands of proteins in real time. In this SBIR phase II project, we propose to develop SPOC platform by integrating in situ produced protein arrays with surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRi), by building integrated ProSPR instrument that will enable SPRi determination of both qualitative and kinetic information of protein biomolecular interactions in high throughput. We will develop, validate and apply 1000 protein SPOC SPRi sensor chips to study clinically relevant protein- protein interactions and test off-target binding of new antibodies produced in animal models against human proteins.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
Project Narrative Protein binding and interactions with other proteins, DNA/RNA, metabolites and other biomolecules drive biological functionality at the molecular level. Currently there are no tools for real time sensing of protein interactions in high throughput with thousands of proteins at once. The proposed project aims to develop a novel sensor integrated proteome on chip platform to produce and analyze thousands of in-situ expressed functional proteins onto SPRi (surface plasmon resonance imaging) biosensor chips, with the end goal of addressing unmet needs in proteomic research from novel antibody validation, serum screening, biomarker discovery, and drug and vaccine development.

Project Terms:
Antibodies; Clinical Treatment Moab; mAbs; monoclonal Abs; Monoclonal Antibodies; Back; Dorsum; Biological Assay; Assay; Bioassay; Biologic Assays; Budgets; Capital; Cells; Cell Body; Communication; Diagnosis; DNA; Deoxyribonucleic Acid; Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay; ELISA; enzyme linked immunoassay; Florida; Fluorescent Dyes; fluorescent dye/probe; Fluorescence Agents; Fluorescent Agents; Genes; Goals; Gold; Human; Modern Man; Investments; Kinetics; Mus; Mice; Mice Mammals; Murine; Printing; Privatization; Proteins; Natural regeneration; Regeneration; regenerate; Research; RNA; Non-Polyadenylated RNA; RNA Gene Products; Ribonucleic Acid; Running; Technology; Testing; Time; customs; Custom; protein folding; Label; sensor; Area; Surface; Phase; Variation; Variant; biologic; Biological; Evaluation; Blood Serum; Serum; Ligand Binding Protein; Ligand Binding Protein Gene; Protein Binding; bound protein; Binding Proteins; integrated system; system integration; Systems Integration; Funding; Collaborations; Letters; Spottings; Shapes; tool; instrument; Nature; Catalogs; catalog; programs; Protocols documentation; Protocol; In Situ; Pattern; System; Benchmarking; Best Practice Analysis; benchmark; vaccine development; develop a vaccine; develop vaccines; development of a vaccine; Surface Plasmon Resonance; Animal Model; Animal Models and Related Studies; model of animal; Biosensor; biological sensor; novel; Proteome; protein protein interaction; surface coating; drug development; high throughput analysis; Proteomics; monolayer; Protein Array; Protein Biochips; Protein Chips; Protein Microarray; Protein Microchips; Molecular Interaction; Binding; protein expression; small molecule; Address; Length; Microarray Analysis; Microarray-Based Analysis; microarray analyses; microarray technology; Data; Detection; Imaging Device; Imaging Instrument; Imaging Tool; Phage Display; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; SBIR; Small Business Innovation Research; Validation; validations; Monitor; Molecular; Development; developmental; nano; Image; imaging; Output; cost; clinical relevance; clinically relevant; murine model; mouse model; commercialization; waiver; ChIP-chip; ChIP-on-chip; screenings; screening; precision-based medicine; precision medicine; imaging system; phenotypic marker; phenotypic biomarker; biomarker discovery; imaging-based detection; imaging-based disease detection; imaging detection; testing services