NewGait: a Low-Cost Rehabilitation System to Improve Post-Stroke Gait
Award last edited on: 1/25/24

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
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Principal Investigator
Chandramouli Krishnan

Company Information

Elite Athlete Products Inc

4526 Florida Street Unit 6
San Diego, CA 92116
   (319) 321-0117

Research Institution

University of Michigan

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R41HD111289-01
Start Date: 9/22/22    Completed: 8/31/23
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
More than 795,000 individuals suffer from a stroke each year in the United States, making stroke a leading causeof adult disability in the United States and worldwide. More than half of stroke survivors exhibit reducedindependence and functional mobility due to stroke-related gait impairments. Despite significant advancementsin post-stroke medical care and rehabilitation, current treatments are not successful in optimally restoring gaitfunction after stroke. It is well established that intense, repetitive task-oriented rehabilitation interventions areessential for inducing experience-dependent neuroplasticity (defined as the ability of the nervous system to adaptand optimize its resources through structural and functional changes)-which is a key factor for post-stroke gaitrecovery. Accordingly, new therapeutic approaches that rely on specialized gait training devices, such astreadmills, robotic devices, and exosuits have been developed. However, these devices are typically expensive,bulky, and not accessible for home use. Moreover, these devices often require uninterrupted power sources,which is a major barrier for rural communities in developing nations. While some lightweight and "low-cost"commercial devices exist, they are not often designed based on multi-user feedback and robust biomechanicaldata and their clinical utility have not been tested in stroke survivors, thereby limiting usability and effectiveness.Thus, there is a significant unmet clinical need for an effective, affordable, and portable gait mobility/rehabilitationdevice that is accessible for most stroke survivors. Elite Athlete Products (EAP) has designed a wearable gaitrehabilitation system, NewGait, that specifically addresses this clinical need. In this Phase-I STTR, EAP hasassembled an interdisciplinary team to pursue the following specific aims: (1) Identify an optimal NewGait designbased on end-user feedback (design sprints) and musculoskeletal modeling to address the needs of strokerehabilitation, (2) Refine the current prototype using data gathered from design sprints and think aloud techniqueand perform benchtop testing on the final prototype to validate durability, and (3) Examine short-term gaitadaptations and clinical feasibility in stroke survivors by performing a comparative clinical feasibility study instroke survivors to establish the clinical utility of the NewGait device in comparison with two competitive devices(TheraSuit and TheraTogs). This project combines EAP's expertise in developing low-cost neurorehabilitationdevices with the clinical, biomechanical, and neuroplasticity expertise of our academic partners at the Universityof Michigan and Wayne State University. The successful completion of this Phase-I STTR will lay the foundationfor an evidence-based low-cost gait rehabilitation system that could positively affect the lives of millions of strokesurvivors living across the globe.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
PROJECT NARRATIVE Despite significant advancements in post-stroke medical treatments and rehabilitation interventions, more than half of stroke survivors cannot walk independently in the community. Current rehabilitation devices aimed at restoring walking function are either large and unaffordable or ineffective in improving walking function, creating a significant unmet need for a portable, affordable, and effective gait mobility/rehabilitation device. In this Phase- I STTR, Elite Athlete Products will incorporate stroke-specific modifications to the current NewGait device based on end-users' feedback and biomechanical simulations and rigorously test this device against competitors' products to make evidence-based gait training strategies accessible to all stroke survivors.

Project Terms:
<21+ years old>

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount