A Wearable Electrochemical Alcohol Sensor
Award last edited on: 2/28/2022

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Yue Huang

Company Information

Labsys LLC

325 East Grand River Avenue Suite 313
East Lansing, MI 48823
   (415) 375-0818
Location: Single
Congr. District: 08

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R43AA028456-01
Start Date: 11/5/2020    Completed: 7/31/2022
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Measuring alcohol consumption is important to individual health and the prevention of adverseconsequences of drinking. There are tremendous needs for wearable alcohol continuous sensingdevices that are accurate, minimal- or non-invasive, unobstructive and affordable. However,existing technologies cannot provide alcohol sensors with all specifications desired by wearabledevices, including size, power, sensitivity, specificity, safety, manufacturability and cost. Theproposed project is to develop an alcohol sensor suitable for wearable applications by innovatingelectrochemical alcohol sensors. The innovation uses microfabrication techniques to achieve highsensitivity, high safety, good manufacturability and low cost with a miniaturized membranelessstructure. The catalytic effect of the designed electrolyte-electrode interface achieves highsensitivity and high selectivity. The size of the sensor is less than 2x2 millimeters, can unlockmany possibilities for wearable, smartphone, and automobile for alcohol detection in breath,interstitial fluid, or blood. In this project, we aim to demonstrate the technology by an examplaryring form factor wireless powered wearable device that can accurately and continuously monitorthe alcohol level in body fluid. In Phase I, in addition to the alcohol sensor, a minimal invasivebiocompatible microneedle array is designed to painlessly sample and deliver the interstitial fluidto the sensor. The microneedle array is designed to be processed along with the sensor on thesame silicon substrate. The entire process is compatible with the fabrication of complimentaryoxde metal semiconductor (CMOS), allowing the further monolithic integration of the microneedlearray, the alcohol sensor, and the CMOS sensor readout integrated circuit (IC) in Phase II. Project Narrative The microfabricated electrochemical alcohol sensor is advantageous to wearable devices for its size, power, selectivity, cost, and manufacturability. In aid of minimal invasive sampling through microneedle array, it enables a wearable device to continuously, accurately and painlessly evaluate the wearer's alcohol consumption without intervention. Such a device would help lower the risk of adverse health, safety, legal and social consequences. Alcohol consumption ; Alcohol Drinking ; EtOH drinking ; EtOH use ; alcohol ingestion ; alcohol intake ; alcohol product use ; alcohol use ; alcoholic beverage consumption ; alcoholic drink intake ; ethanol consumption ; ethanol drinking ; ethanol ingestion ; ethanol intake ; ethanol product use ; ethanol use ; Ethanol ; Absolute ethanol ; ETOH ; Ethyl Alcohol ; Grain Alcohol ; Methylcarbinol ; Alcohols ; Alcohol Chemical Class ; Automobiles ; Blood ; Blood Reticuloendothelial System ; Body Fluids ; Communication ; Ear ; Electrodes ; Electrolytes ; Feasibility Studies ; Fingers ; Goals ; Health ; Metals ; Miniaturization ; Miniaturisations ; Reaction Time ; Response RT ; Response Time ; psychomotor reaction time ; Research ; Risk ; Safety ; Semiconductors ; Sensitivity and Specificity ; Silicon ; Si element ; Technology ; Testing ; Measures ; Intercellular Fluid ; Interstitial Fluids ; sensor ; improved ; alcohol measurement ; ETOH level ; alcohol level ; ethanol measurement ; ethyl alcohol measurements ; Phase ; Artificial skin ; reconstituted skin ; Painless ; non-painful ; nonpainful ; not painful ; Individual ; Human body ; Human Figure ; analog ; fluid ; liquid ; Liquid substance ; millimeter ; Reaction ; Techniques ; biocompatibility ; biomaterial compatibility ; monitoring device ; success ; Structure ; drinking ; Prevention ; Devices ; social ; Sampling ; response ; miniaturize ; Intervention Strategies ; interventional strategy ; Intervention ; Skin ; Cell Phone ; Cellular Telephone ; iPhone ; smart phone ; smartphone ; Cellular Phone ; Legal ; Data ; Detection ; Harvest ; Microfabrication ; Scheme ; Wireless Technology ; wireless ; Process ; Development ; developmental ; cost ; digital ; design ; designing ; Outcome ; innovation ; innovate ; innovative ; alcohol monitoring ; minimally invasive ; adverse outcome ; adverse consequence ; smart watch ; smartwatch ; wearable sensor technology ; body sensor ; body worn sensor ; wearable biosensor ; wearable sensor ; wearable system ; wireless sensor technology ; wearable device ; wearable electronics ; wearable technology ; manufacturability ; detection limit ;

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount