The use of T cells engineered to express specific chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) to treat cancer hasgenerated durable cures for many types of cancer and resulted in the first FDA approved CAR-T cell therapy totreat childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in 2017. Despite this success, CAR-T immunotherapies have beenmuch less effective at targeting solid tumors. Part of this limited success stems from the solid tumormicroenvironment, which forms a physical barrier to immune cell infiltration and produces soluble factors thatdownregulate T cell activity and accelerate T cell exhaustion. While immunotherapies targeting solid tumors areinitially effective, the tumor microenvironment's inhibition of T cells prevents these treatments from producingdurable responses. In this application, we propose a novel CAR-T cell therapy aimed to improve outcomes forpatients with advanced stage pancreatic cancer by overcoming the deficiencies that plague current CAR-T celltherapies. To this end, we will engineer T cells to express multiple CARs, enabling these cells to target tumorcells and cells in the immune-suppressive tumor microenvironment. Specifically, we will leverage the non-viral,Tc Buster DNA transposon system to insert a large multicistronic genetic construct containing multiple CARsand a selection marker into T cells. Using this platform, we will generate T cells with CARs targeting mesothelin(MSLN), a protein expressed by 80-85% of pancreatic cancer tumors, and fibroblast activation protein (FAP), amarker of cancer associated fibroblasts in the tumor microenvironment. We will then select a pure population ofT cells expressing MSLN- and FAP-CARs and determine the activity and specificity of these cells in vitro. Weexpect that engineered T cells will generate a specific and robust response, eliciting cytotoxic functions onlyagainst cells expressing their target antigen. We will then determine the efficacy of engineered T cells in vivousing a xenograft mouse model to generate MSLN and FAP positive pancreatic carcinomas followed by adoptivetransfer of T cells. We expect immunotherapeutic delivery of bispecific T cells expressing FAP-CARs and MSLN-CARs will elicit a robust and long-lasting T cell response against MSLN+/FAP+ solid tumors resulting in tumorshrinkage and increased survival. Furthermore, we expect the development of a flexible, efficient, and reliableprocess to generate bispecific T cells with a single, non-viral gene delivery approach will facilitate the emergenceof novel therapies to overcome many issues facing engineered T cell therapy today, including antigen escapeand target specificity. Project Narrative
This proposal describes a novel chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell therapy that aims to improve outcomes
for patients with advanced stage pancreatic cancer. We propose to overcome pancreatic cancer's resistance to
immunotherapy by engineering T cells to express multiple CARs, enabling these cells to target tumor cells and
the immune-suppressive tumor microenvironment. We expect immunotherapeutic delivery of these bispecific T
cells will improve patient outcomes and reduce recurrence in advanced stage pancreatic cancer by increasing
intratumor T cell infiltration and diminishing T cell exhaustion. Antigens ; immunogen ; Architecture ; Engineering / Architecture ; Biological Assay ; Assay ; Bioassay ; Biologic Assays ; Biotechnology ; Biotech ; Malignant Neoplasms ; Cancers ; Malignant Tumor ; malignancy ; neoplasm/cancer ; Carcinoma ; Epithelial cancer ; Malignant Epithelial Neoplasms ; Malignant Epithelial Tumors ; epithelial carcinoma ; Cell physiology ; Cell Function ; Cell Process ; Cellular Function ; Cellular Physiology ; Cellular Process ; Subcellular Process ; Cells ; Cell Body ; Engineering ; Fibroblasts ; Flow Cytometry ; Flow Cytofluorometries ; Flow Cytofluorometry ; Flow Microfluorimetry ; Flow Microfluorometry ; flow cytophotometry ; Human ; Modern Man ; Immunotherapy ; Immune mediated therapy ; Immunologically Directed Therapy ; immune therapeutic approach ; immune therapeutic interventions ; immune therapeutic regimens ; immune therapeutic strategy ; immune therapy ; immune-based therapies ; immune-based treatments ; immuno therapy ; In Vitro ; Childhood Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia ; Childhood ALL ; Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia ; Childhood Acute Lymphogenous Leukemia ; Childhood Acute Lymphoid Leukemia ; L1 Lymphocytic Leukemia ; Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Acute, L1 ; Pediatric ALL ; Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia ; Pediatric Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia ; Pediatric Acute Lymphogenous Leukemia ; Pediatric Acute Lymphoid Leukemia ; infant ALL ; Methotrexate ; Methotrexate Methylaminopterin ; Methotrexatum ; Metotrexato ; Mus ; Mice ; Mice Mammals ; Murine ; United States National Institutes of Health ; NIH ; National Institutes of Health ; Plague ; Yersinia pestis disease ; Proteins ; Publishing ; Recurrence ; Recurrent ; Specificity ; T-Lymphocyte ; T-Cells ; thymus derived lymphocyte ; Testing ; Tissues ; Body Tissues ; Weight ; Work ; fibroblast-activating factor ; fibroblast activating factor ; fibroblast activation protein ; fibroblast proliferation factor ; Generations ; Measures ; Mediating ; DNA Sequence ; base ; improved ; Phase ; Pancreatic carcinoma ; Exocrine Pancreas Carcinoma ; pancreas carcinoma ; Solid Neoplasm ; Solid Tumor ; Coculture Techniques ; Co-culture ; Cocultivation ; Coculture ; Therapeutic ; Genetic ; Infiltration ; Malignant Pancreatic Neoplasm ; Pancreas Cancer ; Pancreatic Cancer ; pancreatic malignancy ; Malignant neoplasm of pancreas ; Adoptive Transfer ; Soluble Mpf/Mesothelin-Related Protein ; mesothelin ; exhaustion ; Immunes ; Immune ; System ; Heterograft ; Heterologous Transplantation ; Xenograft ; Xenotransplantation ; xeno-transplant ; xeno-transplantation ; Xenograft procedure ; cell stroma ; experience ; mutant ; Tumor Cell ; neoplastic cell ; receptor expression ; success ; tumor growth ; expression vector ; transposon element ; DNA Transposons ; novel ; novel technologies ; new technology ; response ; immune drugs ; immune-based therapeutics ; immunologic preparation ; immunologic therapeutics ; immunotherapeutics ; immunotherapy agent ; Immunotherapeutic agent ; T-Cell Activation ; Molecular Interaction ; Binding ; preventing ; prevent ; DHFR ; DHFR gene ; CD19 ; CD19 gene ; Bp35 ; CD20 ; Leu-16 ; MS4A1 ; MS4A2 ; MS4A1 gene ; Address ; Tumor Load ; Tumor Burden ; cytotoxic ; Desmoplastic Reaction ; Desmoplastic ; Harvest ; T-Cell Development ; T-Cell Ontogeny ; T-Lymphocyte Development ; in vitro Assay ; in vivo ; Antigen Targeting ; Patient-Focused Outcomes ; Patient outcome ; Patient-Centered Outcomes ; Small Business Innovation Research Grant ; SBIR ; Small Business Innovation Research ; Xenograft Model ; xenograft transplant model ; xenotransplant model ; Monitor ; Process ; Development ; developmental ; preclinical study ; pre-clinical study ; tumor microenvironment ; cancer microenvironment ; therapy resistant ; resistance to therapy ; resistant to therapy ; therapeutic resistance ; treatment resistance ; leukemia/lymphoma ; lymphoma/leukemia ; Resistance development ; Resistant development ; developing resistance ; Population ; cancer type ; Resistance ; resistant ; transgene expression ; clinically relevant ; clinical relevance ; novel therapeutics ; new drug treatments ; new drugs ; new therapeutics ; new therapy ; next generation therapeutics ; novel drug treatments ; novel drugs ; novel therapy ; mouse model ; murine model ; stem ; non-viral gene delivery ; nonviral gene delivery ; commercial application ; tumor ; FDA approved ; flexibility ; flexible ; T cell response ; T cell therapy ; T cell based therapeutics ; T cell based therapy ; T cell targeted therapeutics ; adoptive T cell transfer ; adoptive T-cell therapy ; therapeutic T-cell platform ; chimeric antigen receptor ; chimeric antigen T cell receptor ; targeted cancer therapy ; cancer biomarkers ; cancer markers ; improved outcome ; B-Cell Leukemia ; ineffective therapies ; ineffective treatment ; Tumor-infiltrating immune cells ; Immune infiltrates ; T cell infiltration ; T cell tumor trafficking ; immune cell infiltrate ; immune infiltration ; intratumoral immune cell ; tumor immune cell ; pancreatic cancer model ; pancreatic PDX models ; pancreatic tumor model ; engineered T cells ; chimeric antigen receptor T cells ; CAR T cells ; T cells for CAR ; chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells ; CAR T cell therapy ; CAR T therapy ; chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy ; chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy ;